Publish with us 

We welcome academic book proposals from both experienced and first-time authors. If you are considering a monograph, handbook or edited volume feel free to drop us a line with an outline of your proposal. 


See also:

Reasons to publish with Vernon Press

Resources for Authors for details about how we select, produce and promote our books.

What we publish

We publish academic books across the social sciences and the humanities. For a list of subjects see here:

We don’t publish novels, poetry, screenplays, artistic originals or other works of primarily literary/artistic (rather than academic/scholarly) value unless it is combined with some critical and/or reflective analysis and commentary (e.g. a Critical Edition) that would be of interest to the academic communities we serve. We don't publish academic journals and are not associated with any company that does.

In keeping with our mission to support pluralism and intellectual diversity, we are now accepting proposals for books written in Spanish. We aim to be in a position to accept proposals in French and Portuguese, in the near future.

How to publish with us

Please send a short book proposal (5 pages max.) to To ensure we have enough information to consider your proposal please follow our proposal preparation guidelines. If your proposal interests us we will then invite you to submit your full manuscript to be sent out for peer review. Please complete this form with all the information we require to consider your proposal: Proposal Form 


We are committed to replying to all complete proposals and endeavor to offer constructive feedback whenever possible. For topics of active interest see our open Calls for Proposals. See also the interests of our Advisory Editors.

If you would like your manuscript to also be considered for inclusion to our BLS initiative for a possible translation into Spanish (or for Spanish texts, into English) please mention this as part of your proposal. See here for more information about BLS, including costs.

Page last updated on March 2nd 2023. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.