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Subject: Sociology

Producing and living the high-rise: New contexts, old questions?

Edited by Manoel Rodrigues Alves, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil et al.

February 2024 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-798-6
Availability: In stock
502pp. ¦ $115 £92 €107

The purpose of the book is to assess the process of urban verticalization in different contexts through time, to provide insight into the relationships between highrise design and the way inhabitants negotiate them in their everyday lives, to assess how planners, politicians, and designers negotiate residential highrises in the strategies they develop for building the city and to introduce urban narratives and cartographies. Verticalization, although not new, currently takes place in a very different context than post-1945. Today, highrise residential buildings are more than architectural solutions: they are commodities in a global market where capital flows are fixed by developers and municipalities. Our exploration of residential verticalization is anchored in case studies, revealing different types of local-global negotiations in the design of the city, and has been framed by three interrelated dynamics: first, the complex relationships within the financialization of real estate markets, revealing differences in the types of local-global negotiations in the construction of the neo-liberal city; secondly, the most developed, anchors residential verticalization in the processes of socio-spatial differentiation within cities (mostly identified as gentrification associated to processes of urban renewal and densification; the third, related to readings and interpretations of the urban landscape and social, spatial practices and its iconographic and cartographic representations. This book is of interest to academics, students, planners, architects, and urban studies professionals. It shows that the chosen research object is an increasingly relevant angle of analysis of the contemporary city. It also provides a better knowledge of the processes of residential verticalization, their impact on the privatization of the urban space, and on urban segregation or fragmentation.

Chronicles of Care: A Design History of the COVID-19 Virus

Fernando Galdon, Royal College of Art, UK et al.

January 2024 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-718-4
Availability: In stock
372pp. ¦ $76 £61 €71

The Covid-19 crisis and the designed interventions that the authors have catalogued in this book prove definitively that design does care. The authors documented this as it evolved every day from the 1st January 2020 to 31st May 2020 inclusive. Then they looked at all of this care and caring from the point of view of design and, by the sheer volume of design interventions they have documented, illustrate that design is good in a crisis. What the Covid-19 pandemic illustrated is that for the first time in modern history, capital was totally irrelevant. Money could not save your life. Only design could. Rapidly designed masks, shelters, hospitals, instructional posters, infographics, dashboards, respirators, sanitisers, virtual and local communities emerged to save us. From January 2020, design became king. The Covid-19 global pandemic presented an ontological reality; design is more than margins or profit. In fact, design became extremely valuable when it stopped concentrating on those things and started to care about peoples’ lives. This brief episode in history is still repositioning the status of design and reconfiguring its signifier from consumption to care. The contents of this book cover the outbreak, lockdown, and the beginning of the reopening in the UK. In between, the book functions as a history of pandemic crisis design interventions. As such it is a “research-in-the-moment project” where we have illustrated our thoughts and insights in tables, charts and diagrams. We have accepted all design interventions as valid and given them the same role and status by presenting each of them in a standard format. No curation. No selection. No position. The task of critical analysis must follow – perhaps by us, certainly by others.

The Jesuits and Religious Intercultural Management in Early Modern Times

Human Capital, a Global Mindset, and Missionary Work in Japan and Peru during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Frank Jacob, Nord University, Norway

December 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-809-9
Availability: In stock
232pp. ¦ $77 £61 €71

This book discusses the role of human capital and a global mindset for a successful intercultural management of the Society of Jesus in the geographical contexts of Japan and Peru during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Historical data for more than 200 Jesuits has been evaluated and analyzed according to modern management theory. The work is, therefore, an interdisciplinary study related to the history of religious orders, European expansion, and trans- or intercultural management and shows how the Jesuit missionaries in Japan and Peru were able to achieve and stimulate a successful expansion of their order’s influence in these regions of the world. While analyzing a historical topic, the book is also of interest to modern day managers and those who are interested in creating a successful strategy for intercultural management.

Tomar la palabra. Islamofobia y participación política después del 15-M

Johanna M. Lems, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

December 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-807-5
Availability: Available 4 weeks
154pp. ¦ $54 £44 €51

'Tomar la palabra' es un análisis basado en la búsqueda de justicia social por medio de la participación sociopolítica, que aborda con cuidado muchos de los temas que determinan y contribuyen a reproducir las situaciones de subalternidad y subordinación a las que se ven sometidas las personas musulmanas en España. Desde un posicionamiento novedoso sobre el islam en el contexto español, al abordar su estudio desde la existencia de musulmanidades diversas, contribuye al avance de los estudios sobre la realidad social y política de las poblaciones musulmanas en nuestro país. El principal objetivo de la autora ha sido identificar los procesos mediante los que las personas musulmanas – o aquellas leídas como tales– tratan de ganar voz y reclamar los derechos que les son negados sistemáticamente. Todo ello con el fin de contribuir a una comprensión más crítica y menos estigmatizadora sobre el islam y las personas musulmanas que viven en España. Se trata de un trabajo interdisciplinario que parte de una investigación etnográfica llevada a cabo entre 2017 y 2020 en distintas partes del territorio estatal. Puede resultar de gran interés como monografía para profesores y estudiantes de cursos de grado y posgrado en disciplinas como sociología, antropología, ciencias políticas, ciencias de las religiones. Igualmente, será de utilidad como obra de consulta en estudios de subalternidad, feministas y de migraciones o para trabajadores sociales, líderes y comunidades religiosas, instituciones gubernamentales y aquellas personas u organizaciones centradas en los derechos humanos, el diálogo interreligioso o las que, en general, quieren estar informadas sobre el escenario político contemporáneo español.

Cuerpos de género y cuerpos politicos. Un estudio de españoles y de US latinos conversos al islam

Marta Boris Tarre, University of Idaho

ISBN: 978-1-64889-769-6
Availability: Forthcoming
$77 £62 €72

"Cuerpos de género y cuerpos políticos" constituye uno de los pocos libros en lengua española sobre las conversiones al islam de los grupos en cuestión, pero más específicamente de como estos utilizan el género y la nación como vehículos identitarios, lo que será útil para investigadores en estudios religiosos y sociológicos. Este libro examina las convergencias que se producen entre conversión al islam y género, nación y ciudadanía por parte de dos grupos poblacionales occidentales –españoles y US latinos–. El estudio etnográfico de campo, los feminismos islámicos y el estudio de masculinidades van a constituir la base para explorar cómo la visión de género que estas mujeres y hombres conversos al islam sostienen representan nuevas formas identitarias de género que constituyen instrumentos políticos y que resisten los estereotipos que se atribuyen al sujeto musulmán. No obstante, estos también representan alternativas de género por incorporar un elemento religioso, lo cual les otorga agencia para vivir el islam en un territorio que vislumbra esta religión de forma hostil. Finalmente, "Cuerpos de género y cuerpos políticos" estudiará cómo los conversos redefinen la identidad de nación y de ciudadanía en función a su afiliación religiosa. El componente moral que su nueva religión aporta contribuye a una idea de nación y de ciudadanía que no puede entenderse sin visionar al ciudadano como un ser moral y religioso, lo que contrasta con la idea de ciudadanía occidental y con la identidad de nación del territorio donde residen en la que lo religioso es privatizada. Ello desemboca en un concepto de “españolidad” y de “latinidad” que incorpora el islam como base infalible de autoridad y que contrasta con una sociedad hegemónica que incorpora otros factores como la región, la cultura y la lengua como base a idea de nación y de cohesión nacional.