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Eros and Thanatos. Love across Civilizations
Alberto Castelli, Hainan University, China
Availability: In stock
254pp. ¦ $82 £65 €76
'Eros and Thanatos' is about the deadly nature of love. It is remarkable that literary critics have paid so little attention to the combination between love and death in literature. This book seeks to address this significant scholarly lacuna by exploring key literary texts of the last two hundred years as exemplary of a consistent tendency toward love and death. Its emphasis on singular characters and close readings suggests the spectrum of an arbitrary dichotomy never fully resolved. The existential discussion triggered by each plot is so intense that the erotic and the merely sexual seem inappropriate. Indeed, each writer chose to reduce it to the setting and background of a story that takes place elsewhere. With this in mind, the author intends to reflect love’s paradoxical nature. If love is triggered by beauty, beauty can be immoral and love must die to preserve the illusion of beauty.
Behavior Analysis in Higher Education: Applications to Teaching and Supervision
Edited by
Andresa A. De Souza, University of Missouri-St. Louis
and Darlene E. Crone-Todd, Salem State University
Availability: In stock
396pp. ¦ $110 £89 €103
This cutting edge, timely book is a primary resource for students, faculty, coordinators, and supervisors in the growing field of behavior analysis. This book acts as a single resource that pulls together the background, current status, and future directions related to the relevance of a behavior analytic approach to teaching, assessment, and supervision. The authors collaborating in this volume are experts at various stages of career development and have a known presence in the field. This combination of theory driven, and high-caliber authors have collaborated to create a one-of-a-kind book drawing from backgrounds of diversity in terms of gender, areas of expertise, and geography. The recent pandemic has resulted in a pivot to remote learning and online supervision; this text will provide an important contribution in terms of understanding how to provide high quality teaching, supervision, and assessment in behavior analysis and among other areas. As the field is moving to increasing standards for programs that correspond to accreditation body standards, this book also provides timely information about how to prepare for this process including cultural competency and ethics, which guide our teaching and practice.
What are Coincidences? A Philosophical Guide Between Science and Common Sense
Alessandra Melas, University of Sassari, Italy
and Pietro Salis, University of Cagliari, Italy
Availability: In stock
90pp. ¦ $46 £38 €42
It is a common opinion that chance events cannot be understood in causal terms. Conversely, according to a causal view of chance, intersections between independent causal chains originate accidental events, called “coincidences”. Firstly, this book explores this causal conception of chance and tries to shed new light on it. Such a view has been defended by authors like Antoine Augustine Cournot and Jacques Monod. Second, a relevant alternative is provided by those accounts that, instead of acknowledging an intersection among causal lines, claim to track coincidences back to some common cause. Third, starting from Herbert Hart and Anthony Honoré’s view of coincidences (Causation in the Law. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1959). This book provides a more detailed account of coincidences, according to which coincidental events are hybrids constituted by ontic (physical) components, which is the intersection between independent causal chains, plus epistemic aspects, including but not limited to, access to information, expectations, relevance, significance, desires, which in turn are psychological aspects. The main target of the present work is to show that the epistemic aspects of coincidences are, together with the independence between the intersecting causal chains, a constitutive part of coincidental phenomena. This book aims to introduce and discuss recent work in psychology concerning one’s judgment about coincidences; this data offers further materials and reasons to reflect upon our understanding of coincidences and to refine our hybrid conception.
Predictive Minds: Old Problems and New Challenges
Edited by
Manuel Curado, University of Minho, Portugal
and Steven S. Gouveia, University of Porto, Portugal
Availability: In stock
305pp. ¦ $94 £79 €87
The Predictive Processing Theory of Mind is a recent theory developed by philosophers, cognitive scientists, and neuroscientists about the nature and function of the brain and its role in creating the conscious mind that we humans, and perhaps some non-human animals, have. The authors that advanced those lines of research believe that there is a fundamental idea that has been overlooked in the research done about the brain until the present: that the brain is a prediction machine with the function of creating hypotheses about the causes of our sensory signals and predictions of possible future sensory signals. Moreover, the internal models of the world created this way are constantly challenged by incorporating the errors of the previous models into new models. From this point of view, the brain's work could be described as a process of making predictions about the upcoming sensory data based on its best current models of the causes of those data. This book intends to critically analyze this theory and its subsequent theoretical and empirical consequences. To achieve that, the volume brings together some of the best experts on Predictive Processing – such as Thomas Metzinger, Wanja Wiese, or Mark Miller – with the goal of presenting some of the advantages of this approach but also some of its caveats.
Unwrapping Racism: Dealing with Differences
June 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-679-8Availability: In stock
151pp. ¦ $31 £25 €28
“A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.” Lao Tzu “Unwrapping Racism: Dealing with Differences” will connect the reader with recent social movements such as gun safety, Black Lives Matter, and college reform movements. The Early social movements would portray racial discrimination within the Women’s Suffrage Movement and the Eugenics/Sterilization Movement. The Civil Right Movement of 1950s/1960s highlights Rosa Parks, Dr. M. L. King, Jr. and Congressman John Lewis. This book will present key issues, such as cultural privilege and its prevalence. The reader will be lifted up from xenophobia, colonialism and slavery while creatively facing individual responses to those issues today. All those approaches move into our societal goals of assimilation, cultural pluralism and the “melting pot” concept. This volume will make the perfect complement to Dr. Grose previous book "Dealing with differences". Every reader can do something, sometime, somewhere to effectively deal with differences. As the book confronts race, it challenges the reader to grapple with action-oriented exercises, questions, and projects relevant to key paragraphs on every page. At the end of the book, the readers will be empowered to tell their own stories about their experiences with race within each chapter.