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Revisiting Richard Rorty
Edited by
Pedro Góis Moreira, Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal
Availability: In stock
275pp. ¦ $63 £47 €53
Richard Rorty is considered one of the most original philosophers of the last decades, and he has generated warm enthusiasm on the part of many intellectuals and students, within and outside the field of philosophy. The collection opens with an essay by Robert Brandom, in which he continues the discussion of Rorty’s “vocabulary vocabulary” that he began in Rorty and his Critics, and ends with an interview in which Brandom talks about Rorty himself as a teacher and friend. The collection is then divided into three further sections, each addressing an aspect of Rorty’s thought. First, a political section contains several essays discussing Rorty’s notorious “prophecy” in Achieving our Country and the idea that he would have foreseen the rise of a political “strongman.” Also discussed are Rorty's view of the cultural left, his view of the relation between truth and democracy, and Rorty on the concept of fraternity. In a second, epistemological section, several essays address Rorty’s historicism, anti-representationalism, and his views on truth and on religion, often through the lenses of his critics (Putnam, Habermas, Dews). A final section addresses the relations between Rorty and other philosophers such as Hume, Heidegger, and Ortega y Gasset. This works contains valuable essays in three languages — English, Portuguese, and Spanish — and is a small example of the reach of Rorty’s thought and its expansion beyond the Anglo-Saxon world in only ten years after his death. It will appeal to Rorty’s scholars and researchers as well as any student of pragmatism and anti-foundationalist thought.
Contact, Community, and Connections: Current Approaches to Spanish in Multilingual Populations
Edited by
Gregory L. Thompson, Brigham Young University
and Scott M. Alvord, Brigham Young University
Availability: In stock
434pp. ¦ $67 £50 €57
This edited volume provides state of the art research on developing areas of Spanish in contact with other languages. This manuscript is unique in its broad yet coherent approach to the study of Spanish in bilingual contexts by investigating current issues in the field through well-designed research and innovative analyses. In addition, this book concludes with research on how languages in contact are reflected in individuals in educational settings as well as insights on how to teach bilinguals raised in contact with English and Spanish. This manuscript is divided into three major themes that focus on the overall issues of Spanish in bilingual contexts: 1. The first section, titled "Language and Identity," is composed of four chapters that focus on the connection between language and identity in unique settings. 2. The second section of the manuscript is titled "Language and Dialectal Contact" and is composed of six chapters that analyze the dialectal and linguistic changes in languages in contact in a variety of settings. 3. The final section is titled "Language in Educational Settings" and consists of four chapters with a focus on heritage speakers and second language students of Spanish in different classroom settings as well as abroad. This volume contributes original research in these areas in a way so as to fill valuable gaps in the current knowledge in the field especially in the innovative ways of approaching areas such as teaching heritage learners, understanding diachronic and synchronic dialectal and linguistic changes as well as innovations in language use, and how language contributes to the formation of identity.
Introducción a la Macroeconomía Computacional
Anelí Bongers, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
et al.
Availability: In stock
352pp. ¦ $41 £26 €35
Este libro presenta una introducción a la macroeconomía computacional, utilizando un nuevo enfoque para el estudio de los modelos macroeconómicos dinámicos. Para ello resolveremos numéricamente una gran variedad de modelos en tiempo discreto, utilizando como herramienta informática una hoja de cálculo; en particular, Excel de Microsoft. Los modelos resueltos incluyen tanto modelos macroeconómicos dinámicos con expectativas racionales no microfundamentados, como modelos microfundamentados, constituyendo un enfoque que facilita el aprendizaje y uso de los modelos de equilibrio general dinámico, los cuales se han convertido en la principal herramienta para el análisis macroeconómico en la actualidad. Las hojas de cálculo son ampliamente conocidas y relativamente fáciles de usar, lo que supone que los conocimientos informáticos necesarios para poder trabajar con modelos de equilibrio general dinámico son asequibles para alumnos de grado.
Introducción a la Macroeconomía Computacional
Anelí Bongers, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
et al.
Availability: In stock
352pp. ¦ $65 £49 €55
Este libro presenta una introducción a la macroeconomía computacional, utilizando un nuevo enfoque para el estudio de los modelos macroeconómicos dinámicos. Para ello resolveremos numéricamente una gran variedad de modelos en tiempo discreto, utilizando como herramienta informática una hoja de cálculo; en particular, Excel de Microsoft. Los modelos resueltos incluyen tanto modelos macroeconómicos dinámicos con expectativas racionales no microfundamentados, como modelos microfundamentados, constituyendo un enfoque que facilita el aprendizaje y uso de los modelos de equilibrio general dinámico, los cuales se han convertido en la principal herramienta para el análisis macroeconómico en la actualidad. Las hojas de cálculo son ampliamente conocidas y relativamente fáciles de usar, lo que supone que los conocimientos informáticos necesarios para poder trabajar con modelos de equilibrio general dinámico son asequibles para alumnos de grado.
Arte vs. No-Arte: Arte fuera de la mente
Tsion Avital, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
Availability: In stock
550pp. ¦ $64 £48 €55
En Arte Versus No- Arte: Arte Fuera de la Mente, Tsion Avital plantea la pregunta, ¿Es el arte moderno realmente arte? Él argumenta que todo el arte no-representacional que se ha producido en el siglo XX no ha sido arte, sino más bien la ruina de la tradición visual que le reemplazó. El arte moderno ha prosperado sobre la total confusión entre el arte y el seudo-arte y la inhabilidad de muchos de distinguir entre ambos. Tal como lo demuestra Avital, el arte moderno ha servido como una etapa intermedia entre el arte del pasado y el arte del futuro. Este libro propone una nueva forma de definir el arte, anclando la naturaleza del arte en la naturaleza de la mente, resolviendo así uno de los mayores problemas del arte y de la estética para los cuales hasta ahora no se ha dado aún una solución. La definición novedosa del arte propuesta en este libro, pavimenta el camino hacia un nuevo y promisorio paradigma para el futuro del arte.