New reviews on "The Making and Breaking of Minds: How social interactions shape the human mind"

Congratulations to Isabella Sarto-Jackson, the author of the book "The Making and Breaking of Minds: How social interactions shape the human mind," for receiving reviews from:

  1. Kevin N. Lala (School of Biology, University of St Andrews, UK), appearing in the journal 'Biological Theory', 18 July 2023.
  2. Elena Walsh (School of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities The University of Wollongong), appearing in the journal ‘Philosophical Psychology’, 30 Mar 2023. 

Sarto-Jackson’s marvelously compelling and rigorous book puts the very best psychoeducation into practice, in the process offering inspiration and optimism to thousands who have directly experienced trauma and abuse, or witnessed its impact. The closing sentence captures her ambition: “to pave the way for handing back options for life-affirming actions to the person afflicted, thereby fostering a commitment to long-term involvement and self-efficacy” (p. 241). Far from being victims of the dictates of our genes, escape really is in our hands.

[Extract from book review appearing on the journal 'Biological Theory', 18 July 2023. Reviewer: Kevin N. Lala (School of Biology, University of St Andrews, UK).]

Sarto-Jackson’s “The Making and Breaking of Minds” is a rich and original contribution to the fields of developmental psychology and preventative medicine. Its central claim is that the social environments we encounter in childhood and adolescence have a profound and historically under-appreciated impact on brain development and cognitive function in adulthood, predicting a wide range of health and behavioral outcomes. A particular focus is placed on the role of poverty, trauma, and neglect in childhood on later life outcomes (in particular mental illness, and propensity toward violence and antisociality).

[Extract from book review on the journal ‘Philosophical Psychology’, 30 Mar 2023. Reviewer: Elena Walsh (School of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities The University of Wollongong).]

The book is available to order here: "The Making and Breaking of Minds: How social interactions shape the human mind"

Title The Making and Breaking of Minds: How social interactions shape the human mind [Hardback]
Edition 1st
ISBN 978-1-62273-331-6
Published in April 2022

Page last updated on July 27th 2023. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.