“This highly innovative guide takes the college student on a seminal journey to effectively confront human differences and to urgently help bend the moral arc toward social justice.
The author’s career passion with differences is reflected in his skill to apply scholarly concepts to common and extraordinary life experiences.
Even general readers will be drawn into creating their personal stories with human differences, and practicing the best of what they’ve learned.”
Lee H. Hamilton
US Congressman 1965-1999
IN 9th District
Dealing with Differences is a pervasive issue everyone is faced with, yet our responses are not always just and mutually enriching. This book argues that our ability for empathy can become an internal lens to overcome the fear of differences. Dealing with Differences begins with the reader’s experience, introspection and problem solving, and the book often includes references to current events. Within each chapter readers develop their own stories on dealing with difference. This includes journaling about changing feelings and thoughts, and applying chapter information to everyday experience. Readers use empathy to address privilege, race, gender/sexuality, violence and other realities. The pursuit of justice is encouraged. Every reader can do something, sometime, somewhere to effectively deal with differences.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Thinking and feeling about differences in everyday activities
Chapter 3 Empathy, a lens for life and change
Chapter 4 Unravelling the mysteries of advantage in daily living
Chapter 5 Are race relations still an unspeakable topic?
Chapter 6 Men, women, and culture
Chapter 7 Everyday violence and its alternatives
Chapter 8 Early social change, transforming the big picture with many small actions
Chapter 9 Current social movements, Black Lives Matter and a university student movement
Chapter 10 Creating vibrant, new engagements
Dr. Grose is an activist educator and administrator who has learned and taught in an historic black college, public and private universities, served on an American Indian reservation, in a refugee community, as a community organizer, and with Volunteers In Service to America. He has intentionally lived in communities of color for part of his career, including while working as a Fulbright Scholar in Central America. His degrees in sociology and ethics, communication and other fields show his passion for justice, diversity, nonviolence, and mutually enriching changes.
Problem solving, Justice and Change, Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Empathy, Inductive Learning, Privilege, Social Movements, Student Stories with Differences, Student Case Studies
Series in Social Equality and Justice
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Bibliographic Information
Book Title
Dealing With Differences
Number of pages
Physical size
236mm x 160mm