Brexit: A Way Forward

Marcello Sacco (Ed.)

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The outcome of the European Union membership referendum in 2016 has presented the United Kingdom with one of its greatest challenges of modern times. As negotiations for an exit strategy continue, this volume looks to open up conversations on the socio-legal implications of such a monumental transition. Aimed at addressing issues relating to Brexit that affect every aspect of British society, this book seeks to not just list the problems but to offer viable solutions for “the way forward”.
Divided into three parts, this book presents a comprehensive yet accessible discussion of the impact of Brexit on the United Kingdom. Part I brings together three social studies that reveal that Brexit may be the result of international nationalist narratives, and that the choice to leave the EU is already affecting Brits abroad and the future opportunities for British students. Part II turns its attention to national legal issues that are affected such as the Irish border, waste management, moral copyright, and the support of local enterprises. Lastly, Part III investigates commercial law touching on important topics such as international litigation, insolvency and tax law.
As this publication suggests eventual solutions to several issues caused by Brexit, it may be of interest to not only other academics working in the field, but also to policy makers and relevant stakeholders.


Marcello Sacco, Leeds University Law School, UK


Chapter 1 Brexit and the Emergence of Nationalist Narratives in Europe: Creating a New Narrative for the European Union

Sanja Ivic

Institute for European Studies, Serbia;

Institute of Applied Ethics, University of Hull, UK

Chapter 2 Brexit before Brexit. Consequences of Brexit's anticipations on British entrepreneurs in France, between 2016 and 2019

Vincent Lagarde, Limoges University, France

Valentina Di Pietro, Limoges University, France

Chapter 3 Hull Law School Erasmus - Studying and working abroad - Impact study on the Erasmus Year abroad experience

Martina Künnecke, Hull University, UK

Chapter 4 The Irish Border Conundrum

Nikos Skoutaris, East Anglia University, UK

Chapter 5 Brexit – Some implications for UK waste management law and policy

Hazel Lobo, Reading University, UK

Chapter 6 The Legal Landscape for the UK’s post-Brexit Industrial Policy

Gregory Messenger, Liverpool University, UK

Chapter 7 Moral Copyright Law: An Opportunity to Review the Current Law after Brexit

Melanie L. Brown, Bournemouth University, UK

Chapter 8 Breaking up is hard to do – what Brexit means for Insolvency and Restructuring Law

Gerard McCormack, Leeds University, UK

Chapter 9 The Fate of UK Cross-Border Insolvency after Brexit

Oriana Casasola, Leeds University, UK

Chapter 10 Civil and commercial private international law in times of Brexit: Managing the impact, and fostering prospects for a future EU-UK cooperation 255

Michiel Poesen, KU Leuven, Belgium

Chapter 11 Brexit: what next for the EU in the field of Direct Taxation?

Alessandro Liotta, LUISS University, Italy

Chapter 12 The Fate of rules of jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters between the UK and the EU Post Brexit: Walking through a Foggy Path?

Sarah Alwahaibi, Leeds University, UK


Marcello Sacco, Leeds University Law School, UK


Marcello Sacco is an Italian Postgraduate Researcher in the School of Law at the University of Leeds. He received his Master Hons in International Sciences from the University of Siena. His main research interests are human rights and EU governance. Notably, he has already published and participated in several conferences talking about the implementation of international human rights mediated via EU legislation and policies. His application for working at the Leeds University was accepted the week before the Brexit referendum. Since then Brexit has been a daily discourse in need of the contribution of everyone to be solved. Marcello’s contribution to solve such a contemporary challenge has been the organization of a relevant international conference together with the edition of this collection.




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Book Title

Brexit: A Way Forward





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6 B&W

Publication date

October 2019