Journal Reviews: A Roundup of 2020 and 2021 Reviews

This month we are bringing our VP community a roundup of reviews that were published in 2020 and in the first quarter of 2021. We are pleased to announce that the titles reviewed in various academic journals, across a variety of fields in the Social Sciences and Humanities, were received positively. We look forward to seeing more VP titles reviewed in the future.



Are you interested in reviewing one of our titles for an academic journal or for your personal website/blog? Have a look through this review pile with titles we are looking to assign to reviewers. Please note that these are only available for review. For an inspection copy please follow the instructions here.


Arts and Media 

Series in Cinema and Culture 

The Careers of Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas as Referenced in Literature by Henryk Hoffmann

Series in Art 

Topics on Art and Money edited by Adrià Harillo Pla

Critical Media Studies

Western Japaneseness: Intercultural Translations of Japan in Western Media edited by Frank Jacob and Bruno Surace

Hero and Hero-Worship: Fandom in Modern India edited by Rahul Chaturvedi, Hariom Singh, and Anita Singh


Series in Literary Studies 

Creating a Transnational Space in the First Year Writing Classroom edited by W. Ordeman

Publishing Northanger Abbey: Jane Austen and the Writing Profession by Margie Burns

The Condition of Music and Anglophone Influences in the Poetry of Shao Xunmei by Tian Jin

Series in Heritage Studies 

Stories in Stone: Memorialization, the Creation of History and the Role of Preservation by Emily Williams 

Series in Classical Studies

Antigone Uninterrupted by Wendy Bustamante

Series in World History 

臺勢教會 The Taiwanese Making of the Canada Presbyterian Mission by Mark A. Dodge

Social Sciences 

Series in Climate Change and Society 

Feeling the Heat: International Perspectives on the Prevention of Wildfire Ignition by Janet Stanley, Alan March, James Ogloff, and Jason Thompson 

Series in Law 

How Law Works by Thomas Hemnes 

Series in Anthropology 

Documentary as Autoethnography: A Case Study Based on the Changing Surnames of Women by Hande Çayır 

Series in Politics 

Illusions of Location Theory: Consequences for Blue Economy in Africa edited by Francis Onditi and Douglas Yates

Series in Philosophy 

Reintroducing Philosophy: Thinking as the Gathering of Civilization by Anthony F. Shaker 

Series in Education 

Between Truth and Falsity: Liberal Education and the Arts of Discernment edited by Karim Dharamsi and David Ohreen

Series in Built Environment

Sustainable Architecture – Between Measurement and Meaning edited by Carmela Cucuzzella and Sherif Goubran

Series in Critical Perspectives on Social Science

Love as human virtue and human need and its role in the lives of long-term prisoners by Christina Valeska Straub

Series in Sociology 


Complex Society: In the Middle of a Middle World by Bojan Radej and Mojca Golobič

Culture-Led Urban Regeneration in South Korea by Milyung Son

The Recovery Handbook: Understanding Addictions and Evidenced-Based Treatment Practices by Nicholas D. Young, Melissa A. Mumby, and Jennifer A. Smolinski

Page last updated on April 20th 2021. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.