Call for Book Chapters: "The Critical Turn in Early Modern Iberian Studies: Empire, Language, and Literature"
Vernon Press invites book chapters for a forthcoming edited volume on the subject of “The Critical Turn in Early Modern Iberian Studies: Empire, Language, and Literature.”
This present volume takes as its focal point the critical turn in literary criticism and cultural critique. Focusing on archives—historical, literary, visual—that link the analytics of critical theory and cultural studies to Early Modern Iberian Studies, the importance of this collection will reflect upon how early modern Iberian texts, cultural modes of expression, and visual constructions resonate with the concepts such as “empire,” “language,” and “literature” as well as contemporary debates on censorship, (dis)ability, gender, race, and sexuality. As such as, this edited book seeks chapters that deploy “critical turns,” capaciously configured and imaginatively conceived that not only delve into their socio-political meanings, but also produce new critical interventions that reframe the longevity, relevance, and value of early modernity within and outside of Iberia.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Dialects and Linguistic Diversity across the Portuguese and Spanish Empires
- Literary Representations of Conquest and Colonialism
- Literary works inspired by the discoveries and explorations of the New World
- Women Writers and Empires
- Visual Culture and Imperial Representations
- Language and Identity
- Black and Native Studies that explore Fugitivity, Insurgence, and Rebellion
- Queer and Trans* Studies
- Politics and Representation of Disability
- Early Modern Portuguese and Spanish Drama and Empire
- Literary Responses to Rebellion and Resistance
- Statues and Monuments
- Postcolonial Perspectives on Early Modern Portuguese and Spanish Literature
To submit your proposal:
If you are interested in contributing to this edited volume, please send your abstract (300-500 words) along with a short biography (100-150 words) to the book editor, Dr. Nicholas R. Jones (, by January 31, 2024.
This proposal is due on January 31st 2024.
Page last updated on November 30th 2023. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.