Bridging Languages and Scholarship (BLS) initiative
About the (BLS) initiative
Our Bridging Languages and Scholarship (BLS) initiative aims to further the reach of selected titles by facilitating or financing translations into other languages and to support the production of multilingual and translingual texts. One of the first books translated as part of this initiative is City of Children (Spanish: La Ciudad de los Niños) by Francesco Tonucci, renowned intellectual and 2019 winner of a UNICEF Spanish Committee award.
The BLS initiative is motivated by a recognition that excellent scholarship can be written and used in languages other than English and that many scholars face barriers to engaging with literature in languages other than their own. This is evident in the high frequency of references to non-English scholarship and the rise of the translingual approach in the humanities. BLS is part of our wider effort to support multilingual publishing in keeping with our mission to support pluralism and intellectual diversity: bridging languages, regions, disciplines and research perspectives.
Our BLS titles can be found here.
How to get your book considered for BLS
- Submit a translation proposal for a previously-published book in either English or Spanish to Translations are only possible when authors maintain the worldwide rights to a translated edition. Your translation proposal should include a brief summary of the book and the total word count, whether your book was originally peer reviewed (attach the peer review reports), a biographical statement, and mention any special translation requirements (e.g. use of dialects, translation of visual aids, use of color etc.).
- As part of an original book proposal: Please mention as part of your proposal that you would also like to have your manuscript considered for inclusion in the BLS initiative, and include a brief consideration of any special translation requirements (e.g. use of dialects, translation of visual aids, use of color etc.). Please complete this form with all the information we require to consider your proposal: Proposal Form
Applicable Fees
- Manuscripts of exceptional quality: Every year fees will be waived for the top-two manuscripts submitted for consideration to the BLS initiative, as determined by our independent reviewers in terms of originality, rigor and potential impact as well as our internal market assessment.
- All other manuscripts: Standalone translations cost a flat fee of 5,000 USD / €4,000 per 70,000 words. When contracted as a bundle with our Open Access option the applicable fee is $8,000 / €7,000 for both English and Spanish editions.
Page last updated on January 20th 2023. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.