New Waves in Innovation Management Research (ISPIM Insights)

Marcus Tynnhammar (Ed.)

by Albert Lejeune , Kelly R. Cowan , Nisit Manotungvorapun , Agnieszka Radziwon , Rakhshanda Khan , Wenjing Cai , Pavan Soni , Courtney Molloy , Patrick Brandtner , Amber Geurts , Yuanzhu Zhan , C. W. Chathurani Silva , Bjørn J. M. Jensen , Peter R.A. Oeij , Ethan A. Gifford , Sheng Wu , Fábio O. Paula , Marine Hadengue , Antonio Crupi , Lamyaa El Bassiti , Johan Netz , Nadine Hietschold , Alexandros Kakouris , Eui Ju Jeon , Roberta Pellegrino , Cristina Páez-Avilés , Nicolas Friederici , Margarethe Lombard

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It is well known that the new and most radical ideas in research emerge most often from the work of early-career scholars. In this regard, “New Waves in Innovation Management Research” does certainly deliver on its title. The book showcases insights from recent PhD dissertations, including classic topics such as collaboration and creativity, as well as upcoming topics such as digitalization and big data. In doing that, the book gives a useful overview of the important and emerging topics in innovation management. Therefore, having these up-to-date insights at hand is useful for both academics and practitioners working in the field.

Paavo Ritala
Professor of Strategy and Innovation
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Can we manage innovation? This is an old question to which we get better and better answers. Innovation is too important for both firms and countries to leave it up to chance, but no innovation can go without a spark of creativity. Researchers from all across the globe increase our knowledge regarding the aspects of innovation that leaders can influence. Researchers address questions such as: Which innovation phases can benefit from what support? Which methods are effective in which situations? What type of innovations require which kind of approaches? Managing innovation is not so much about controlling, it is much more subtle. Managing innovation is about facilitating, stimulating, challenging, guarding, experimenting, sensing and probing. Soft terms with solid effects. This book provides a state of the art overview of the research in this still emerging field. We know much more than a decade ago, while still feeling we have many unanswered questions. This book provides the next step. It summarizes cutting-edge research, incorporating leading firms and regions, and gives valuable insights into the what, when and how of innovation management.

Eelko Huizingh
Director Innovation Centre of Expertise Vinci, University of Groningen, Vice-President Scientific Affairs of ISPIM, and CEO of Huizingh Academic Development

This collection highlights the breadth of research avenues available in innovation research and the diverse range of research methods that can be creatively applied in order to extend our knowledge of these topics.

Professor Urs Daellenbach
Head of the School of Managemen, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

The 2018 ISPIM awards showcase in-depth research on a wide variety of topics that are currently of great interest within the field of innovation management. Readers will gain valuable insight into themes such as effective collaboration, encouraging and enabling employee creativity, and adapting to changes in worldwide markets caused by trends such as globalization and digitalization. The research comes from researchers around the world, allowing for a truly global perspective, and involves the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis, including interviews, case studies, and surveys, applied to industries ranging from musical to chemical. Together, the dissertations will educate those working in innovation management, provide starting points for reading for those who are interested and stimulate conversation and further research regarding their discussed topics. A recommended read.

Prof. Dr. Jens Leker
University of Münster, Germany

Launched in 2011 to recognize the prolific contribution that PhD dissertations make to the field of Innovation Management, the ISPIM Dissertation Award selects three winners from the possible 100+ entries every year. Aided in the selection process by the generous support of Innovation Leaders, the ISPIM presents the awards at their annual Innovation Conference.
With only three finalists being selected each year, many excellent submissions do not receive the recognition they deserve. To rectify this, the 2018 ISPIM Dissertation Award cast its spotlight beyond the top three dissertations and onto a much greater number of entries.
Compiling the top 28 submissions received this year, ‘New Waves in Innovation Management Research’ is organized into six thematic sections that cover areas such as investments, collaboration, and creativity. Presenting a broad range of case studies and data from across global, this edited volume illustrates the breadth of research potential in the coming wave of innovation management. This book will be of interest to students, researchers and professional managers, alike, who are interested in or actively involved in the latest research on innovation management.

Chapter 1 The Resilient Innovation Team: A study of teams coping with critical incidents during innovation projects

Chapter 2 The Benefits of Trusted Bridging Chains for Open Innovation

Chapter 3 An Analytical Approach to Assess the Matching Quality of Academic Partners for Open Innovation in the Form of University-Industry Collaboration

Chapter 4 Exploring inter-organizational collaboration for innovation in a regional ecosystem

Chapter 5 The Contribution of Socially Driven Businesses and Innovations to Social Sustainability

Chapter 6 Awakening employee creativity in organizations

Chapter 7 Building Higher-Order Capabilities: Insights from Resource-Scarce Environments

Chapter 8 Investigating innovation champions in the nonprofit sector

Chapter 9 Design and Evaluation of a Process Model for the Early Stages of Product Innovation

Chapter 10 Firm Responses to Disruptive Innovations

Chapter 11 A Framework for Accelerated Product Innovation in a Big Data Environment

Chapter 12 A Framework to Evaluate the Impact of ICT Usage on Collaborative Product Development Performance in Manufacturing Firms

Chapter 13 The Effects of Procedural Knowledge Transparency on Adoption in Corporate Social Networks

Chapter 14 Technology Planning for Aligning Emerging Business Models and Regulatory Structures - The Case of Electric Vehicle Charging and the Smart Grid

Chapter 15 From gamestorming to mobile learning: a conceptual framework and a gaming proposition to explore the design of flourishing business models

Chapter 16 Chinese Multinational Enterprises’ R&D “Going out”:A Prelude to Inclusive Globalization

Chapter 17 The Impact of Strategic Alliances and Internal Knowledge Sources on the Manufacturing Firms’ Innovation and on Their Financial Performance: A Comparison Between Brazil and Europé

Chapter 18 Reverse Innovation: Towards a New Global Innovation Model for Multinationals

Chapter 19 Never venture, never win! The Chinese rush to innovation and regional development.

Chapter 20 Innovation Management Systems: Systematic Structuration, Semantic Interoperability & Multi-Dimensional Measurement for Continuous Performance Improvement

Chapter 21 First things first - think before you decide. The how, what and who of idea screening

Chapter 22 Consumer Resistance to Innovations – Essays on Antecedents, Manifestations and Ways of Overcoming It

Chapter 23 Entrepreneurial opportunity perception: Analysing the effect of the learning style

Chapter 24 Antecedents and Consequences of Exploration and Exploitation Decisions: Evidence from Corporate Venture Capital Investing

Chapter 25 A Journey through University Technology Transfer, Organizational Learning and the Search for Innovation

Chapter 26 Processes and Ecosystems of Innovation with a multi-KET approach to foster Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Nanotechnologies in the field of Healthcare.

Chapter 27 Innovation Hubs in Africa: Assemblers of Technology Entrepreneurs

Chapter 28 Exploring knowledge intensity in entrepreneurship: A quantitative study of knowledge, innovation and performance in entrepreneurial firms

Marcus Tynnhammar has been a PhD student at Lulea University of Technology since 2015, and Scientific Coordinator at ISPIM since 2016. He has also completed several degrees in various subjects and studied a variety of courses including Psychology, Political Science, Engineering, and Philosophy. His main research area is in Innovation Management, with a focus on collaboration and how companies can improve collaboration with different external actors such as academia, government, and even direct competitors. Marcus also has a special interest in the Theory of Science, focusing on epistemology and how ideas are expressed through words. As Scientific Coordinator at ISPIM Marcus manages the ISPIM Dissertation Award which receives over 100 submissions every year.


Business and Finance


Series in Innovation Studies

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Bibliographic Information

Book Title

New Waves in Innovation Management Research (ISPIM Insights)





Number of pages


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46 B&W

Publication date

February 2019