Call for Book Chapters: Gamification in the RhetComp Curriculum

Vernon Press invites chapter proposals on Gamification in the RhetComp Curriculum. The volume will be edited by Christopher McGunnigle, Seton Hall University.

Throughout the past decades, gamification has become an increasing part of training experiences. To define the term quickly, gamification involves the application of gameplay mechanics to normally non-game-based activities to increase successful activity and performance. Gamification can involve the use of popular video games, adaptations of game shows like Jeopardy, simple chalkboard games like Hangman, or a variety of rhetorical approaches that introduce gaming components into another field.

As the 21st century has become increasingly defined by social and interactive New Media, the importance of gamification theory in pedagogic practices needs to be continually re-evaluated and emphasized, especially in Rhetoric and Composition curricula that form the basis of first-year academic experiences and expressive skill development. What are the rhetorical properties of gameplay, and how can we adopt them into successful Composition classroom pedagogy?

This chapter collection seeks to contribute to the discourse on gamification theory and practice and its adaptation into practical pedagogy in the RhetComp field, or similar areas of academic study.

Topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • Storification or how to adapt rubrics and lesson plans into narration
  • Roleplaying, including the use of roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons
  • Using video games and the practicality of using videos games when the instructor does not play video games and lack of access to technology makes video games impossible
  • Adding multimedia components to increase interactivity
  • Kinesthetic learning
  • Collaboration, competition, and team-building
  • Student goal-setting
  • Rewards, bonuses, badges, and extra credit
  • Leveling up and scaffolding

 Deadline for submissions: November 15, 2020

 How to submit your proposal

Abstracts should be roughly 300 words long and written in English. Please include the title of the proposed submission, name(s) of the author(s) and contact information (institutional affiliation, mailing address, and email address), as well as a short 100-word biography. Please submit your proposal to Feel free to ask questions.

More information on what we look for in a proposal is available on our website.

This proposal is due on November 15th 2020.

Page last updated on October 7th 2020. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.