Call for Book Chapter Proposals: Decolonizing Perspectives in Global Health

Over the past few years, a global #decolonizeglobalhealth movement has gained momentum among postgraduate students in medical sciences, public health, and global health sciences faculties and programs. Several universities such as Harvard University, Duke University, Edinburg University, and Karolinska Institutet-Stockholm have hosted Decolonize Global Health conferences. Themes such as existing patterns of unequal power within contemporary global health systems, rooted in coloniality, and reproduced via neo-colonial practices, the continued influence of coloniality on global health methods, policies, financial practices, theories, and curricula; COVID-19’s role in exposing fault lines within existing global health systems; building interdisciplinary, multisectoral, and international global health collaborations based on mutuality, reciprocity, and respect. What is clear is that more must be done to center indigenous epistemes and marginalized–geographically, disciplinarily, and institutionally– scholarship from both the Global South and Global North. Anthropologists are well-positioned to facilitate such translational work.


With this anthology, we aim to collect critical writings that are rooted in place and that promote interdisciplinary and inter-epistemic dialogue between applied (medical) anthropology and other disciplines such as indigenous studies and psychology, indigenous and marginalized scholars and instructors, and curricular decision-makers of “Global Health” coursework. In particular, we seek contributions from adjunct/temporary/visiting instructors, faculty at Tribal/indigenous-serving institutions, graduate indigenous students, and border scholars from the Americas. The anthology will highlight alternative visions of “global health,” innovative ways in which scholars have attempted to decolonize their “global health” teaching and research in and beyond the classroom, and obstacles they have encountered along the way. Essays should highlight critical, reflexive decolonizing praxis, ideally with information on the iterative process of benchmarks, assessment and evaluation of decolonizing efforts.


If you are interested in contributing to the book, please submit your abstract (200-220 words), and biography (100 words, affiliation research field and 1-2 publication list) by 15th August 2022 to the book editor, Dr. Katherine Careaga (


If you are accepted, we will ask you to consider the following publication details:


30th January 2023

Length: 6,500 - 8,500 words including endnotes and bibliography


This proposal is due on August 15th 2022.

Page last updated on June 14th 2022. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.