Call for Book Chapters: "Amplifying students’ and educators’ voices in educational research”

Vernon Press invites book chapters for a forthcoming edited volume on the subject of “Amplifying students’ and educators’ voices in educational research.”

Given the persistent inequities and injustices in educational environments around the world, it becomes important to learn from the minoritized and marginalized communities that have suffered and endured such positions. To this end, educational research has a duty to amplify the voices of students and educators to bring awareness to the rest of their communities and to hopefully inform changes that better serve these students and educators. 

This edited volume will seek to include empirical research aimed at amplifying marginalized and minoritized students’ and educators’ voices by examining counter-narratives, testimonios (testimonies), pláticas (conversations/discourses) or other similar methods. Critical pieces that include an analysis of such methodologies will also be considered. Practitioners, students, researchers and scholars are invited to submit proposals in English or Spanish that address questions such as: 

  • How do counter-narratives, testimonios, pláticas, etc. help us better understand the challenges and injustices that these marginalized communities encounter?
  • What can we learn by including practices, such as counter-narratives, testimonios and pláticas in educational research, about these minoritized communities that other methods fail to capture?
  • How can we critically include practices such as counter-narratives, testimonios and pláticas in educational research?
  • How can marginalized and minoritized students and educators themselves create instances where practices serve to provide safe spaces for them to explore how to navigate challenges they face in their own academic communities? What have they learned from these experiences?  


Chapter proposal submission

Please submit an abstract no longer than 500 words in English or Spanish to Erika Abarca Millán (volume editor),, by December 16, 2022. The abstract should include a clear overview of the main focus of the chapter and the different topics that will be addressed. In addition, please include a short biography (max. 100 words) of the author(s).


Proposal submission deadline: December 16, 2022

Acceptance of abstract sent out: January 15, 2023

Manuscript submission: March 31, 2023


This proposal is due on December 16th 2022.

Page last updated on November 8th 2022. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.