Call for Book Chapters: 'Creative Practice as Pedagogical Practice'

Editors: Amy Pfeiler-Wunder, Jorge Lucero, Dan Barney

Overview of the book: This edited volume will explore pedagogy as creative practice, and vice-versa. What is the essence of art practice (artistic, performance based, musical) as research—creative inquiry— and its link to pedagogical practices?

We seek authors from range of teaching settings (K-12 classrooms, community centers, museums, theaters, higher education, etc.) with interdisciplinary backgrounds that speak to artistic practices in relation to pedagogy (such as visual artists, musicians, and other performance-based areas of study).


  • If school—conceptualized beyond schooling—can be thought of as material, how do artists who work as teachers (or through teaching) make that material pliable? How do they then practice with that material as conceptual artists (Lucero)?

  • If artistic processes are equated with systems of inquiry and knowing that are idiosyncratic, how do art forms manifest themselves as research both artistically and pedagogically? How might idiosyncratic artistic ways of knowing and becoming interface with curricular and pedagogical approaches, strategies, sites, and institutions (Barney)?

  • How do one’s narrative stories and positionalities as artists/teachers/researcher interplay with art-based/teaching practice using multiple forms of artistic inquiry (Wunder)?

We seek manuscripts that focus on the following areas of inquiry:

  • How does your creative practice inform your pedagogical practices and vice versa?
  • What artist/performance methodologies mirror your teaching methodologies?
  • How does theory, practice, research, and artmaking blur boundaries with pedagogical practices?

Submission Guidelines:

  • Interested authors should submit a 300–500-word abstract outlining the proposed chapter, along with references and a brief biography to, by July 15th, 2024. References and the brief biography are not included in the word count.

  • The full paper (chapter) length is expected to be 5,000-10,000 words approximately. 

  • The abstract should clearly state the synergy between artistic practice and teaching practice within your area of artistic practice relevance to the book's theme.

This proposal is due on July 15th 2024.

Page last updated on May 24th 2024. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.