Call for Chapters: Rethinking intimacy: representations, scenes and scenarios of intimacy in women’s writing
Vernon Press invites contributions to the volume entitled Rethinking intimacy: representations, scenes and scenarios of intimacy in women’s writing. The volume will be focusing on scenarios of intimacy, examining the role and influence of intimacy on the history of women’s reading and writing practices and more specifically question the way in which women, supposed to be actors in these scenarios, may have handled them. We will be exploring both recent developments in the area of intimacy in ecriture feminine, and the links between intimacy and the experience of homelanding to the feminist movement/emancipation as most of the research carried so far has been focused on French and Anglo-American cultures. Proposals may focus on topics within women and reading such as (but are not limited to): intimacy and spatiality; ways in which readers (both compatriots and those representing different cultures) were reacting to intimacy; intimacy as love, eros and lust; anti-intimacy: enmity, hatred, ignorance, incompatibility, estrangement, indiscretion; women writing on and being written by intimacy; intimacy as affection (confidentiality inwardness, communion) and association (camaraderie, communion, togetherness, fellowship); beyond intimacy: the culture of divorce and adultery.
If you are interested in contributing to this project, please send an abstract (250 words maximum) and 6-8 keywords to Assoc. Prof. Carmen Duțu, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest,, by 24th February 2021.
The full version of your paper should be submitted by 15th May 2021. The collection of articles will be published in a special issue at Vernon Press.
Please observe the deadlines above.
Please observe the MLA style described at
For further information, do not hesitate to contact the editor.
This proposal is due on February 24th 2021.
Page last updated on February 11th 2021. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.