Call for Book Proposals: Monographs or Edited Volumes for our Series in Music

Vernon Press invites monograph or edited volume proposals on the subject of Music.

Music permeates virtually every facet of human life. It is an art form that traverses languages, cultures, and generations, unifying us in shared appreciation and enjoyment; while simultaneously possessing the ability to divide. For many, it is a vehicle of expression, voicing thoughts and emotions that cannot be communicated through words.

Music speaks across generations and is continually evolving, making it a fascinating and dynamic area of research. Vernon Press therefore encourages contributions on the themes of (but not limited to) music and…

  • Business (marketing, advertising, industry trends…)
  • Countries and groups
  • Culture (storytelling, traditions, rituals…)
  • Education (presence in the curriculum, music teaching, in-class use…)
  • Genres and styles (composers, performers…)
  • History (Baroque Age, Classical Age, Romantic Era, Modern Era…)
  • Identity (national identity, gender, sexual orientation, race, class…)
  • Law (copyright, intellectual property, censorship…)
  • Mental health (psychological effects, emotional expression, grief, music therapy…)
  • Politics (political issues, protests…)
  • Technology (innovations, creation, distribution, sharing…)
  • The arts and media (advertising, film, T.V, theatre, dance, art, literature…)
  • War (anti-war, propaganda, military songs)
  • Wellness (meditation, self-help…)
  • Women in music

This is a non-exhaustive list; the scope of this call is broad with alternative ideas and suggestions welcomed.

How to submit your proposal

Please submit monograph proposals (approx. two pages) to including a summary, a short biographical note and (if applicable) a list of similar titles using this form: Proposal form. More information on what we look for in a proposal is available on our website.

About the publisher

Vernon Press is an independent publisher of scholarly books in the social sciences and humanities. We work closely with authors, academic associations, distributors, and library information specialists to identify and develop high quality, high impact titles.

This proposal is due on April 15th 2024.

Page last updated on November 17th 2023. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.