Working with Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

A Guide for K-12 Teachers and Service Providers

by Daniel T. Sciarra (Hofstra University), Vance L. Austin (Manhattanville College )

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“Working with Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders” by Daniel T. Sciarra and Vance L. Austin is a tremendously insightful and comprehensive book on children with emotional and behavioral disorders. Using real-world school-based examples and evidence-based interventions, this book represents an exciting and up-to-date approach to working with children with emotional and behavioral problems. It is a detailed, practical, concise, user-friendly, and outstanding text for K-12 teachers and related service providers working with children and youth experiencing emotional and behavioral problems. The authors have thoughtfully compiled the essential elements about children with emotional and behavioral disorders and provided an invaluable resource covering critical concepts in the field of special education and children with emotional and behavioral disorders. The book’s discussion and explanation of the cognitive-behavioral approach to intervention with the important relational perspective provided in attachment theory are very well explained and part of what makes this book unique to other texts. Perhaps the book’s greatest contribution is its exploration and holistic perspective of prevalent emotional and behavioral disorders encountered by school professionals working with today’s students, addressed by type, including in-depth discussions of the relevant characteristics, causes, assessments, and treatment strategies. “Working with Students with Behavior Disorders” is an outstanding contribution to the field of special education and a “must-read” for those working with children with emotional and behavioral problems.

George Giuliani, J.D., Psy.D.
School of Education (Special Education Program)
Hofstra University

This text is designed to help teachers and service providers work successfully with children who exhibit emotional and behavioral disorders by affording them a repertoire of valuable, evidence-based treatment strategies. Furthermore, because the book represents a synthesis of expertise, written from the dual perspectives of an experienced clinician and an educator, the school professional who reads it will better understand the role of both teacher and service provider, thus optimizing the coordination and effectiveness of the services that are critical to the success of these students.

‘Working with Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Guide for K-12 Teachers and Service Providers’ explores the most prevalent behavioral disorders encountered by school professionals as they work with today’s students. These high-incidence behavioral disorders are addressed by type, and each includes a discussion of the relevant characteristics, causes, prevalence, and treatment strategies. Features that are unique to this book include its acknowledgement of the need for a collaborative approach to these problems by all school professionals, as well as the coordination of services provided by the classroom teacher and other service providers working with these students. To date, few books, if any, have provided this holistic perspective.

This book is designed to help K-12 teachers and related service providers (i.e., school psychologists, school social workers, speech-language pathologists, guidance counselors, and occupational therapists) work successfully with children who exhibit emotional and behavioral disorders by affording them a repertoire of valuable, evidence-based treatment strategies.

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Conduct Disorder
Chapter 3 Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Chapter 4 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Chapter 5 Specific Phobia, Separation Anxiety Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder
Chapter 6 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Chapter 7 Eating Disorders
Chapter 8 Depressive Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, and Suicide Prevention in School-Age Children and Youth
Chapter 9 Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Chapter 10 At-Risk Behaviors and Emotional Disturbance
Chapter 11 Conclusion
Author Bios

Daniel T. Sciarra, PhD, is a licensed psychologist, a licensed mental health counselor, a certified school counselor, and a nationally certified counselor who is fluently bilingual in Spanish and has over 30 years of experience working with Latino children, adolescents, and their parents. In addition to over 40 published articles in the areas of multicultural and school counseling, Dr. Sciarra is the author of several books on similar topics. He is the recipient of the 2004 Hofstra University School of Education and Allied Human Services Teacher of the Year award and the 2004 Fordham University School of Education Alumni Achievement Award. His research interests include multicultural counseling, racial identity development, and the role of the school counselor in the promotion of academic achievement and educational attainment among students of color.

Vance Austin, PhD, has worked for over 40 years with children, adolescents, and young adults who have learning disabilities, various emotional and behavioral disorders, and autism, as a child-care counselor, program coordinator, and teacher. He has been a college professor at five universities and colleges and is currently a Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Special Education at Manhattanville College, in Purchase, NY. Dr. Austin has authored numerous articles and book chapters on topics related to working effectively with students who have learning and behavioral difficulties. He has presented his research on interventions for children with emotional and behavioral disorders at national and international conferences.

Elizabeth J. Bienia, EdD has served as an elementary school educator and administrator in various rural and urban settings in Massachusetts for more than 30 years, where she has worked to create positive learning environments for all students. As a building administrator, she has fostered partnerships with students, staff, families, various local businesses, and higher education institutions. Further, she has been a graduate adjunct professor at the Van Loan School of Education, Endicott College and the College of Our Lady of the Elms. She has written widely on topics in education from preschool to PhD.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma-informed Instruction, Social Emotional Learning, Emotional Behavioral Disorder, Emotional Disturbance, Special Education, Behavioral Intervention, Character Education, Social Psychology, Social Constructivism, Attachment Theory, Relational-Focused Teaching, Teacher-Student Rapport, Anti-social Personality Disorder, Autism, Divergent Thinking, Neurodifference, Neurodifferent, Neurodivergence, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Working with Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Book Subtitle

A Guide for K-12 Teachers and Service Providers





Number of pages


Physical size


Publication date

September 2022