Reporting from the Wars 1850 – 2015

The origins and evolution of the war correspondent

Barry Turner, Daniel Barredo, Steven James Grattan (Eds.)

by Barry Turner (University of Lincoln), Daniel Barredo (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia), Steven James Grattan (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia)

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From the foundations of the world’s first great empires to the empires of today, war has preoccupied human civilisation for as many as 4000 years. It has fascinated, horrified, thrilled, confused, inspired and disgusted mankind since records began. Provoking such a huge range of emotions and reactions and fulfilling all the elements of newsworthiness, it is hardly surprising that war makes ‘good’ news.

Modern technological advancements, such as the camera and television, brought the brutality of war into the homes and daily lives of the public. No longer a far-away and out-of-sight affair, the public’s ability to ‘see’ what was happening on the frontline changed not only how wars were fought but why they were fought. Even when a war is considered ‘popular,’ the involvement of the press and the weight of public opinion has led to criticisms that have transformed modern warfare almost in equal measure to the changes brought about by weapon technology. War reporting seeks to look beyond the official story, to understand the very nature of conflict whilst acknowledging that it is no longer simply good versus evil.

This edited volume presents a unique insight into the work of the war correspondent and battlefield photographer from the earliest days of modern war reporting to the present. It reveals how, influenced by the changing face of modern warfare, the work of the war correspondent has been significantly altered in style, method, and practice. By combining historical analysis with experiences of modern day war reporting, this book provides an important contribution to the understanding of this complicated profession, which will be of interest to journalists, academics, and students, alike.

Ancient Times
Chapter 1 The Vagabond: The Sydney Morning Herald’s Special Commissioner on the 1878 Revolts in New Caledonia
Elizabeth Rechniewski
Chapter 2 “Why weren’t you in the fight? The next time I will see you go in!”: The Journalistic Culture and Self-Image of Victorian War Correspondents
Devin Dattan
Chapter 3 Australia’s first female war correspondent: Edith Dickenson at the Boer War
Patricia Clarke
Chapter 4 A Propaganda Battle in the Spanish Civil War: the Italian Special Correspondents 1936 – 1939
Luigi Petrella
Chapter 5 Correspondent Techniques and Tools
Brian Hannon
Chapter 6 The Correspondent and Censorship
Brian Hannon
Modern Times
Chapter 7 Critical Discourse Analysis of Journalistic Practices in the American and British Press: The Case of the Gaza War of 2008-2009
Mohammedwesam Amer
Chapter 8 Peace journalism: A Case Study on the Australian Aborigines and the Press
Ángeles Durán
Chapter 9 Kosovo 1999: Stranded in a War of Hide-and-Seek
Aleksandar Mitić
Chapter 10 Some problems of public opinion in conflict scenarios: the case of journalists from Colombia and Northern Ireland
Daniel Barredo Ibáñez
Steven James Grattan
Karen Tatiana Pinto Garzón
Chapter 11 Reporting the Human Cost of War
Julian Matthews
Alan Fisher

Barry Turner is a senior lecturer in the Lincoln School of English and Journalism at the University of Lincoln, UK. His teaching focuses on law and the media, science and environmental journalism, reporting of conflict, terrorism, and war. Before becoming an academic, Barry worked as a lawyer in the criminal justice system. His previous research interests include the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder on war veterans and victims of medical accidents. Currently, he is involved in researching reporting on terrorism and medical science. He is joint editor of Routledge’s Specialist Journalism.

Daniel Barredo Ibáñez is a professor in the Journalism and Public Opinion program at the Universidad del Rosario, Colombia. Currently, He is leading the project "Public sphere and citizen participation," which is funded by the Big Grants fund of the Universidad del Rosario. He is the author of some 100 works on topics related to social media, political participation, organizational discourse or communication from Spain, Colombia, Mexico or Ecuador.

Steven James Grattan is a lecturer and researcher in the Journalism and Public Opinion Programme at the Universidad del Rosario, Colombia. His teaching focuses on international journalism, media and power, and news production. Steven is co-founder of an English language newspaper and website, The Bogota Post. He is also a freelance correspondent, reporting on issues related to human rights and peace. His work features in The Guardian and Reuters, among others.

War Correspondents, Conflict Reporting

See also

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Reporting from the Wars 1850 – 2015

Book Subtitle

The origins and evolution of the war correspondent





Number of pages


Physical size

236mm x 160mm

Publication date

July 2019