Practical and Theoretical Reason in Modern Philosophy
Paniel Reyes Cárdenas, Roberto Casales García, Daniel R. Herbert (Eds.)
by Paniel Reyes Cárdenas (Oblate School of Theology; The University of Sheffield), Evelyn Vargas (Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina), Leonardo Ruiz Gómez (Universidad Panamericana, Mexico), Roberto Casales García (UPAEP University), Laura Benítez Grobet (Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, UNAM, Mexico), Anna Tomaszewska (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland), Stéfano Straulino (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, Mexico), Jimena Portilla González (Universidad Panamericana, Mexico), Daniel R. Herbert (The University of Sheffield), Tom O’Shea (University of Edinburgh)
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This book represents an impressive achievement: a clear, coherent and imminently readable account of a topic ordinarily dense and tangled in its presentation. It is rich with detail and subtle new insights. This is remarkable because it is a collaborative endeavor with multiple authors. The combination of authors enriches rather than constrains the text as each brings a new focus of interest to the rather direct line of analysis. The material connecting early nominalism, Leibniz, Berkeley and Kant is especially critical and engaging. Rather than being turgid or dry, the writing is engaging and well-paced, with examples, references to previous observations, and indications of what is at stake in the conversation.
This would serve as an ideal text for students as well as advanced scholars looking for a clear presentation of the material. While its greatest strength is its clarity, grounding the discussion in a narrative historical arch contextualizes often overlooked dimensions in these philosophical debates. I would recommend that a volume that builds on this one and develops the theme and discussion into the contemporary era would be very welcome.
Dr. John J. Markey
Professor of Theology
Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, Texas
The present collection aims to examine this fertile period in the history of philosophy concerning its significance for understanding the relation between theoretical and practical reason, or, relatedly, facts and values. Our contributors have explored different important ways in which both the shortcomings and insights of the theoretical/practical distinction have shaped Western philosophy.
Paniel Reyes Cárdenas
The University of Sheffield
Roberto Casales García
UPAEP University
Daniel R. Herbert
The University of Sheffield
Chapter 1 The Modern Theoretical/Practical Reason Dualism and the Realist/Nominalist Medieval Controversy
Paniel Reyes Cárdenas
The University of Sheffield
Chapter 2 Distinct Perceptions and Belief
Evelyn Vargas
Universidad Nacional de la Plata
Chapter 3 Can Wild Boars See Green? A Critique of Higher and First-Order Theories Surrounding Leibniz’s Concept of Apperception
Leonardo Ruiz Gómez
Universidad Panamericana
Chapter 4 Leibniz on Conscientia and Personal Identity
Roberto Casales García
UPAEP University
Chapter 5 A Critical Review of the Structure of Scientific Knowledge in George Berkeley: An essay Towards a New Theory of Vision
Laura Benítez Grobet
Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, UNAM
Chapter 6 Kant, Spinoza, and Practical Rationality
Anna Tomaszewska
Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Chapter 7 Apperception and Self-Knowledge in Kant
Stéfano Straulino
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
Chapter 8 Moral Conscience in Kant’s Late Philosophy: Is it Relevant for the Concept of Radical Evil?
Jimena Portilla González
Universidad Panamericana
Chapter 9 Kant, Peirce, and the Rationality of Natural Science
Daniel R. Herbert
The University of Sheffield
Chapter 10 The Limits of Self-Legislation
Tom O’Shea
University of Edinburgh
Paniel Reyes Cárdenas (Mexico 1981), was awarded his MPhil and PhD in Philosophy by The University of Sheffield, UK. In his PhD Thesis, he researched the place of Scholastic Realism in Peirce's Pragmatist Philosophy under the supervision of Professor Christopher Hookway and Steve Makin. Though Paniel's approach is centered in the pragmatist tradition, he has a wide range of philosophical interests: Paniel has published papers on the philosophy of mathematics, metaphysics, medieval philosophy, philosophy of religion and German Idealism. Paniel has ample participation in academic conferences in many different countries and is the founder of the Peirce Latin-American Society.
After a spell as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Nottingham under the guidance of Jonathan Tallant and Jules Holroyd, Paniel joined as a lecturer and researcher in UPAEP (People's Autonomous University of Puebla State, Puebla, Mexico) where he was until 2023. Paniel is a lecturer and PhD Student at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio Texas, USA. Paniel is part of the National Council for Research of Mexico, awarded SNI 1 for his research work. As a junior scholar, Paniel was awarded as Honorary Researcher by the Department of Philosophy of the University of Sheffield in 2017. Paniel has published: "Scholastic Realism" (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018) and "Ideas in Development" (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018).
Roberto Casales García (Mexico City, 1986) has a BA and MA in Philosophy (Universidad Panamericana) and a PhD in Philosophy (National University of Mexico) graduated with honours. He has been a Professor of Philosophy at UPAEP University since 2013 and head of the department since 2017. He has worked on Ethics, Philosophical anthropology, the history of modern philosophy and especially the thought of G. Leibniz.
He is a member of the Latin-American Leibniz Society and the North American Kant Society. He has published nearly 12 books in different areas of modern philosophy along with 23 book chapters and 17 peer-reviewed articles.
Daniel R. Herbert is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Sheffield, UK. He has been a lecturer at Kings College London. Daniel has explored the relationship between Kant and Peirce and is editing numerous works related to Modern Philosophy, Pragmatism and Idealism.
Reason, modern philosophy, modernity, theoretics-practical distinction, history of philosophy, rationality, practical reason, theoretical reason
Series in Philosophy
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Practical and Theoretical Reason in Modern Philosophy
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