Call for Book and Translation Proposals: Bridging Language and Scholarship (BLS)

Vernon Press invites original book proposals and translation proposals for previously published books (from English to Spanish or Spanish to English) as part of our Bridging Language and Scholarship (BLS) initiative. We welcome proposals for both edited volumes and single-author books in a range of disciplines.

We accept manuscripts written in either English or Spanish, as well as bilingual edited volumes written in both English and Spanish. Specifically, the call is open to the following categories of scholarly manuscripts:

  • Original English-language manuscripts: to be considered for publication in English (subject to peer review) and subsequent to publication, translated into and published in Spanish (subject to the availability of funding or a fee-waiver for a limited number of manuscripts of exceptional quality)
  • Original Spanish-language manuscripts: to be considered for publication in Spanish (subject to peer review) and subsequent to publication, translated into and published in Spanish (subject to the availability of funding or a fee-waiver for a limited number of manuscripts of exceptional quality)
  • Previously published manuscripts in English for which the authors maintain the rights to a Spanish translation: to be considered for translation and publication in Spanish (subject to peer review and to the availability of funding or a fee-waiver for a limited number of manuscripts of exceptional quality)
  • Previously published manuscripts in Spanish for which the authors maintain the rights to an English translation: to be considered for translation and publication in English (subject to peer review and to the availability of funding or a fee-waiver for a limited number of manuscripts of exceptional quality)
  • Bi-lingual and/or translingual manuscripts written in English and Spanish: to be considered for simultaneous publication in the US and Spain. (subject to peer review).

We aim to waive the translation fees for the top-four manuscripts (as determined by our independent reviewers in terms of originality, rigor and potential impact) submitted for consideration to the BLS initiative every year. Translations are also possible if you can secure funding for the translation cost or pay for the translation service, either on its own or as a bundle with our Open Access option. Please contact us for an estimate.

The comprehensive scope of this call includes all of our current series, as well as any other works which are situated within the sphere of the social sciences and humanities.

For more information, or to submit a proposal, contact the editors at

About the BLS initiative:

Our Bridging Languages ​​and Scholarship (BLS) initiative aims to further the reach of selected titles by facilitating or financing translations into other languages ​​and to support the production of multilingual and translingual texts. One of the first books translated as part of this initiative is City of Children (Spanish: La Ciudad de los Niños) by Francesco Tonucci, renowned intellectual and winner of the 2019 UNICEF ​​Spanish Committee award.

The BLS initiative is motivated by a recognition that excellent scholarship can be written and used in languages ​​other than English and that many scholars face barriers to engaging with literature in languages ​​other than their own. This is evident in the high frequency of references to non-English scholarship and the rise of the translingual approach in the humanities. BLS is part of our wider effort to support multilingual publishing in keeping with our mission to support pluralism and intellectual diversity: bridging languages, regions, disciplines and research perspectives.

The current and forthcoming books in the series can be viewed at:

More information on BLS, including the applicable costs if you have already secured funding, can be found at:

This proposal is due on September 30th 2024.

Page last updated on October 9th 2023. All information correct at the time, but subject to change.