Political Corruption in a World in Transition
Jonathan Mendilow, Éric Phélippeau (Eds.)
by Stanislav Balik (Masaryk University, Czech Republich), Jonathan Mendilow (Rider University), Ezequiel Martins Paz (Curitiba University, Brazil), Fernando Jiménez Sánchez (University of Murcia, Spain), Paulina Alvarado-Goldman (Rider University), Maria D. Bermudez (University of California, Irvine)... , Mónica García Quesada (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; London School of Economics), Olivia Newman (Rider University), Alix Meyer (University of Burgundy, France), Molly Brigid McGrath (Assumption College), Roman Chytlek (Masaryk University, Czech Republic), Petra Svacinova (Masaryk University, Czech University), Frank Rusciano (Rider University), Michael Shafir (Babes Bolyai University, Romania), Robert Boatright (Clark University), Sofia Wickberg (Sciences Po, Paris, France), Éric Phélippeau (Université Paris Nanterre, France) Show more
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This timely and provocative book will disrupt current debates on corruption and reform in useful ways. It takes up new and important issues such as populism and “legal corruption” in the context of cases that have long deserved more scholarly attention, yet likens them effectively to longer-standing theories and concepts. Populists and international aid programs are shown to require fresh and careful thought. The language and appearances associated with corruption issues are considered in innovative ways. Corruption scholarship and reform thinking, seemingly frozen in time for a generation, are beginning to move in new directions, and this book will give those trends added impetus.
Michael Johnston
Charles A. Dana Professor of Political Science, Emeritus
Colgate University
This book argues that the mainstream definitions of corruption, and the key expectations they embed concerning the relationship between corruption, democracy, and the process of democratization, require reexamination. Even critics who did not consider stable institutions and legal clarity of veteran democracies as a cure-all, assumed that the process of widening the influence on government decision making and implementation allows non-elites to defend their interests, define the acceptable sources and uses of wealth, and demand government accountability. This had proved correct, especially insofar as ‘petty corruption’ is involved. But the assumption that corruption necessarily involves the evasion of democratic principles and a ‘market approach’ in which the corrupt seek to maximize profit does not exhaust the possible incentives for corruption, the types of behaviors involved (for obvi... ous reasons, the tendency in the literature is to focus on bribery), or the range of situations that ‘permit’ corruption in democracies. In the effort to identify some of the problems that require recognition, and to offer a more exhaustive alternative, the chapters in this book focus on corruption in democratic settings (including NGOs and the United Nations which were largely so far ignored), while focusing mainly on behaviors other than bribery. Show more
Chapter 1 Introduction: Political Corruption in a World in Transition
Jonathan Mendilow, Eric Phélippeau
Part I. Transitions
Chapter 2 Fixed Legalistic Definitions of Corruption in Shifting Realities: Some Implications from Brazil
Ezequiel Martins Paz
Chapter 3 Corruption Perceptions and Transitions: Balancing the Needs of NGO Clients and Organizational Sustainability
Paulina Alvarado-Goldman
Chapter 4 Fetishizing Altruism: Corruption in the Int... ernational Aid Context and the presumption of doing no wrong
Maria D. Bermudez
Part II. The setting of corruption
Chapter 5 Persuasive Corrupters: Arguments Made to Corrupt Public Officials
Mónica García Quesada,
Fernando Jiménez Sánchez
Chapter 6 Local corruption in the Czech Republic: Does size matter?
Stanislav Balík
Chapter 7 Political Corruption in a World in Transition: The Fluctuating Boundaries of Corruption
Sofia Wickberg
Part III. “Legal Corruption”
Chapter 8 Civilizing French politics: Illegality, Playing with the Rules, Offenses and Public Probity
Alix Meyer, Eric Phélippeau
Chapter 9 The untimely disappearance of the “appearance of influence” in American politics
Olivia Newman
Chapter 10 Parties of political entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Unfolding tale of multifaceted actors
Roman Chytilek, Petra Svačinová
Part VI. Populism: A ‘Special Case’ of Legal corruption?
Chapter 11 Machiavelli, Elite Theory, and the State of Exception: The Corruptions of Populism
Frank Rusciano
Chapter 12 Light onto Europe or Darkness at Noon? Corruption, Civil Society, Populism and Manipulation in Romania
Michael Shafir
Chapter 13 What we Talk About When we Talk About Corruption
Robert G. Boatright, Molly Brigid McGrath
List of contributors
Index Show more
Jonathan Mendilow is professor of political science and global studies at Rider University in Laurenceville, New Jersey. He serves as the current chair of the IPSA Research Committee on ‘Political Finance and Political Corruption’. He has published extensively on political finance, party competition, Middle Eastern politics and modern political theory.
Eric Phélippeau is professor of political science at Paris Nanterre University, member of the Institute for Political Social Sciences (ISP, UMR 7220 CNRS) and the IPSA Research Committee on ‘Political Finance and Political Corruption’. ... His research focuses on political finance and political corruption, ethics regulations in politics, and political professionalization. Show more
Corruption, legal corruption, perceptions of corruption, abuse of power, patrimonialism, favouritism, patronage, access to power, bribery, state capture, lobbying, conflict of interest, clientelism, policies of influence, symbolic crusades, anticorruption policies, democracy, governance, state capacity, quality of government, legal code, social trust
See also
Bibliographic Information
Book Title
Political Corruption in a World in Transition
Number of pages
Physical size
236mm x 160mm