Cesare Pavese Mythographer, Translator, Modernist: A Collection of Studies 70 Years after His Death

Iuri Moscardi (Ed.)

by Salvatore Renna (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany), Maria Concetta Trovato (Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy), Antonio Garrasi (Northwestern University, Chicago), Monica Lanzillotta (Università della Calabria, Italy), Kim Grego (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy), Mark Pietralunga (Florida State University), Francesco Chianese (Cardiff University, UK) / California State University Long Beach), Carlo Tirinanzi de Medici (Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy)

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A new generation of Italian and American scholars meets Pavese, his literary masterpieces, and his legendary intellectual figure, casting a critical eye on his work and the surrounding debates. Erudite and refreshing, these readings address relevant topics such as Pavese’s (and Pasolini’s) use of myth, his relationship with American literature and American publishers, and his function in the Italian and Western canon of Modernist literature.

Dr. Martino Marazzi
Department of Literary Studies, Philology and Linguistics
Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

This volume on Cesare Pavese is published on the 72nd anniversary of his death, and it aims to explore new perspectives to study this relevant intellectual. The multifaceted personality of Cesare Pavese took many different forms and allowed him to explore different aspects of literary production. He was a poet, a novelist, an essayist, a translator of some of the most important American writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. He also worked for 20 years at Einaudi Publishing House, where he became one of the most relevant figures of the company and the Italian literary and cultural scene between the 1930s and 1950s.

This collection provides new perspectives of study by focusing on different aspects of his job and by analyzing the strong connections between his personal and professional life. It will appeal to graduate students and scholars in contemporary Italian literature.

Iuri Moscardi
The Graduate Center, CUNY


Chapter 1 Cesare Pavese and the Landscape of Myth
Salvatore Renna
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Chapter 2 “The Cats Will Know”: Suggestions for a Representation of a Mythological Animal World in the Works of Cesare Pavese
Maria Concetta Trovato
Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy
Antonio Garrasi
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois

Chapter 3 The “donne vestite per gli occhi” in Cesare Pavese’s Creative Production
Monica Lanzillotta
Università della Calabria

Chapter 4 Cesare Pavese the Americanist translator: A Chronology of the Myth
Kim Grego
Università degli Studi di Milano

Chapter 5 Learning from the Past: Cesare Pavese’s First Steps with the American Publishing World
Mark Pietralunga
Florida State University

Chapter 6 Recognizing Oneself in a Distorted Mirror: The Irresolvable Transnational Distance and Proximity Between Pavese and Pasolini
Francesco Chianese
Cardiff University (UK) / California State University Long Beach

Chapter 7 Pavese Between European and American Modernisms
Carlo Tirinanzi de Medici
Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy



Iuri Moscardi is a Ph.D. student in Comparative Literature at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Moscardi studied Contemporary Italian Literature at the University of Milan, focusing on the works of Cesare Pavese as a novelist and a translator. For this reason, he was awarded the Cesare Pavese National Prize for his Master’s Degree Thesis, in which he demonstrated the relevance of Pavese in the first Italian translation of E.L. Masters’ 'Spoon River Anthology'. After his graduation in 2014, he moved to Bloomington, Indiana, where he obtained a MA in Italian from Indiana University. His research fields are Contemporary Italian Literature and Digital Humanities: his dissertation relies on these two theoretical fields to focus on some Digital Social Reading projects that involved Cesare Pavese’s books.

Cesare Pavese, Italian Literature, Contemporary Italian Literature, Lacan, Translation studies, Modernism, Italian Poetry, Narratology

See also

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Cesare Pavese Mythographer, Translator, Modernist: A Collection of Studies 70 Years after His Death





Number of pages


Physical size

236mm x 160mm

Publication date

March 2024