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Ser libre era bueno: Dos narrativas de esclavos del caribe angloparlante
Una traducción
Carmen J. Jiménez, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Availability: In stock
288pp. ¦ $83 £67 €78
"Ser libre era bueno: Dos narrativas de esclavos del caribe angloparlante: Una traducción" (Bilingual version English- Spanish) brings to life the stories of Mary Prince and Ashton Warner, two enslaved people from the Caribbean who dictated their narratives to British author Susan Strickland. Prince was the first enslaved woman from the Caribbean to undertake such an endeavor. This bilingual text, with an introduction in Spanish, is not only a valuable resource for researchers and literature students but is also accessible and engaging for other adults, adolescents, and young adults. It offers a unique perspective on the experiences of enslaved people in the Caribbean and their fight for freedom. "Ser libre era bueno: Dos narrativas de esclavos del caribe angloparlante: Una traducción" (Versión bilingüe inglés-español) da vida a las historias de Mary Prince y Ashton Warner, dos esclavos del Caribe que dictaron sus narrativas a la autora británica Susan Strickland. Prince fue la primera mujer esclavizada del Caribe en emprender tal esfuerzo. Este texto bilingüe, con una introducción en español, no sólo es un recurso valioso para investigadores y estudiantes de literatura, sino que también es accesible y atractivo para otros adultos, adolescentes y jóvenes. Ofrece una perspectiva única sobre las experiencias de los pueblos esclavizados en el Caribe y su lucha por la libertad.
En Busca del Mundo Perdido: La búsqueda modernista de la Cosa, la Materia y el Cuerpo
Tsaiyi Wu, Shanghai Normal University
Availability: In stock
176pp. ¦ $34 £27 €31
Este libro estudia, desde una perspectiva histórica, como los artistas modernistas, esa primera generación que empezó a reflexionar de manera intensa sobre el legado del Idealismo Alemán, buscó recrear el “yo” para recrear su relación con el mundo material. Teóricamente, el libro mantiene una conversación con los típicos intereses desantropocéntricos del siglo XXI y propone que el artista pueda escapar del antropocentrismo a través de la transformación del yo. La Parte Una, “Artificialidad” abre el debate con el culto del fin de siglo a la artificialidad, en el que los artistas como Theophile Gautier, Charles Baudelaire, J.K. Huysmans y Gustave Moreau se dedicaron a mostrar su amor por las esfinges pétreas, las estatuas de mármol o las apariencias inorgánicas. El culto a la artificialidad es una subversión perversa de la máxima de Hegel en la que la introspección es superior a la materia. En el culto a la artificialidad, el arte es superlativo a la naturaleza, incluso aunque el arte no se defina ya como imaginación inmaterial sino se reconfigure como una manifestación misteriosa que desafía al significado y subyuga al corazón sensible. La Parte Dos, “Ficción Autofilosófica” argumenta acerca del género en el que los artistas (Marcel, Proust, Walter Pater y Virginia Woolf) fijan las ideas filosóficas en el laboratorio de sus vidas y por lo tanto traducen a sus ideales estéticos —es decir, la manera en la que desean relacionarse con el mundo —en un viaje de auto examinación y autocultivo. En la novela de Pater, 'Mario el Epicúreo' el héroe explora como un percepto filosófico se puede traducir a sentimientos y acciones, demostrando que la literatura es un acercamiento único a la verdad ya que convierte la teoría en una experiencia transformadora. Mediante la exploración de los últimos descubrimientos de la psicología empirista, el artista busca escapar de la trampa Kantiana mediante el desarrollo de sus poderes de recepción y registrar pensamientos pasajeros y sensaciones. En resumen, el libro discute sobre como el desantropocentrismo no puede predicarse a través de una metafísica que presume que la subjetividad universal debe ser una forma de investigación estética que recrea al “yo” para recrear nuestras relaciones con el universo.
Philosophy’s Gambit: Play and Being Played
Edited by
Jeremy Sampson, University of Chichester, UK
Availability: Forthcoming
$117 £90 €107
Living in an era of immense and bewildering change in technology, pandemic and war, humanity has had cause to challenge the apparent old fixities and certainties of life. Essentially, are we being played? The premise of this volume is that all of human life is underpinned by powerful dynamic systems, so tightly interwoven into our daily lives that we are barely aware of them, whose true nature only comes to light at times of profound disruption or crisis. These powerful dynamic systems, philosophical or otherwise, often fall under the umbrella of ludic theory. Within these pages, some of the leading thinkers of ludic theory from three continents explore its diversity and relevance through the perspectives of some of the world’s most famous philosophers. In many ways, this volume follows on from Sampson’s 'Being Played: Gadamer and Philosophy’s Hidden Dynamic' (2019). It also draws upon other ludic-centred and ludic-inspired texts that include Mattice’s 'Metaphor and Metaphilosophy' (2014) and Arthos’ 'Gadamer’s Poetics: A Critique of Modern Aesthetics' (2014), together with Frazier’s 'Reality, Religion and Passion' (2009) and Homan’s 'A Hermeneutics of Poetic Education' (2020). Although this is not the first volume offering an integrated approach to ludic theory, see Ryall (ed), 'The Philosophy of Play' (2013), it offers a diverse and detailed approach to the subject, including not only Western philosophers, but also thinkers from Ancient China, 16th-century India and modern South America. This volume will be not only of interest to scholars and students of ludic theory and philosophy in general, but because of its deliberate globalised content, it is hoped it might have a wider appeal globally as humanity continues to grapple with significant challenges created by these current winds of change.
Dialoguing with Critical Race Theory: Constitutional and Christian Links
Mark Ellingsen, Interdenominational Theological Center
Availability: In stock
112pp. ¦ $54 £43 €50
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is certainly a hot topic. No longer just the legal theory it was originally designed to be, it has become an icon for determining which side you are on concerning racism. Most of the loudest voices, especially in the debate about CRT in our schools, seem not to have actually studied the theory. This is a book to get you into the heart of CRT’s actual analysis and prescriptions. It’s a book to get Americans to stop all the shouting and really find out what CRT teaches. It might also contribute to getting more civility into our public discourse. Ellingsen demonstrates how in fact what Critical Race Theory teaches is in line with our Constitutional system’s realism about political solutions, suspicions of our selfishness, and the majority’s tendency to run roughshod over minorities. He also demonstrates that these commitments are consistent with Christianity’s understanding of original sin and the quest for social justice. Consequently, if critics do not want CRT taught in our schools or to be part of our public discourse, we had better stop teaching the Constitution and Christian values in our schools, to rule these commitments as out of order in our search for common values! Get ready for a stimulating, controversial, well-documented read.
Silver Age and After: Repressed Russian Poets, Artists and Philosophers during the Soviet Period
July 2024 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-020-8Availability: In stock
270pp. ¦ $79 £63 €74
The details of the Jewish Holocaust have become part of our history through the testimony of those who survived the death camps. The details of Lenin’s and Stalin’s reign of terror are far less known because they took place behind a wall of secrecy, and because survivors have been loath to speak about them for fear of retribution. This is an encompassing volume presenting an intense display, as complete as can be, of poets, artists, musicians, and philosophers and intellectual actors implicated in different aspects of Russian life roughly through the period 1900-1960. They were people who had lived under the Soviet regime in times of peace and in times of war, from the Red Terror through the Great Terror. One must bear in mind the political and economic conditions in which those lives developed: the one-party rule placed above both the government and the citizens, the abashment of the division of powers, the suppression of private property and private economic initiative, the political police, and the GULAG. I deal with the poets in several chapters, then theater directors, then composers, then philosophers (these both in the introduction and in the play at the end of the book). Besides the Prologue and Introduction, the reader will find an Index of historical names, plus an extensive Bibliography. The work can be used for reference, for classroom adoption, for researchers/practitioners of Russian Literature, Political Studies, Slavic Studies, and Russian History.