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En Busca del Mundo Perdido: La búsqueda modernista de la Cosa, la Materia y el Cuerpo
Tsaiyi Wu, Shanghai Normal University
Availability: In stock
176pp. ¦ $34 £27 €31
Este libro estudia, desde una perspectiva histórica, como los artistas modernistas, esa primera generación que empezó a reflexionar de manera intensa sobre el legado del Idealismo Alemán, buscó recrear el “yo” para recrear su relación con el mundo material. Teóricamente, el libro mantiene una conversación con los típicos intereses desantropocéntricos del siglo XXI y propone que el artista pueda escapar del antropocentrismo a través de la transformación del yo. La Parte Una, “Artificialidad” abre el debate con el culto del fin de siglo a la artificialidad, en el que los artistas como Theophile Gautier, Charles Baudelaire, J.K. Huysmans y Gustave Moreau se dedicaron a mostrar su amor por las esfinges pétreas, las estatuas de mármol o las apariencias inorgánicas. El culto a la artificialidad es una subversión perversa de la máxima de Hegel en la que la introspección es superior a la materia. En el culto a la artificialidad, el arte es superlativo a la naturaleza, incluso aunque el arte no se defina ya como imaginación inmaterial sino se reconfigure como una manifestación misteriosa que desafía al significado y subyuga al corazón sensible. La Parte Dos, “Ficción Autofilosófica” argumenta acerca del género en el que los artistas (Marcel, Proust, Walter Pater y Virginia Woolf) fijan las ideas filosóficas en el laboratorio de sus vidas y por lo tanto traducen a sus ideales estéticos —es decir, la manera en la que desean relacionarse con el mundo —en un viaje de auto examinación y autocultivo. En la novela de Pater, 'Mario el Epicúreo' el héroe explora como un percepto filosófico se puede traducir a sentimientos y acciones, demostrando que la literatura es un acercamiento único a la verdad ya que convierte la teoría en una experiencia transformadora. Mediante la exploración de los últimos descubrimientos de la psicología empirista, el artista busca escapar de la trampa Kantiana mediante el desarrollo de sus poderes de recepción y registrar pensamientos pasajeros y sensaciones. En resumen, el libro discute sobre como el desantropocentrismo no puede predicarse a través de una metafísica que presume que la subjetividad universal debe ser una forma de investigación estética que recrea al “yo” para recrear nuestras relaciones con el universo.
Peace Studies and the Color Line
Africana Contributions
Carlos Cordero-Pedrosa
and I Jin Jang
Availability: In stock
252pp. ¦ $81 £65 €76
The book aims to continue and expand the conversations emerging from the margins of peace studies about race and racism, and their implications for the field. Especially drawing from the often-overlooked African diasporic critical and philosophical tradition —with an emphasis on Africana phenomenology and existentialism— the book addresses questions that are central in Africana thought yet remain under-explored in peace studies. This enables to rethink peace studies’ assumptions, conceptual frameworks, and epistemic and normative elements. Inter- or transdisciplinary dialogue requires a profound re-evaluation of what constitutes the exclusions in both knowledge and politics. This, in turn, necessitates a critical examination of the structures and organization of knowledge, a deeper understanding of the field’s identity, its foundational narratives and presuppositions, a reassessment of the relations with other disciplines and areas of knowledge, and the histories, the subjects and the forms of agency that it privileges. Taking race and racism seriously through African diasporic thought entails, among others, reconsidering the ties of peace studies with international relations and liberal political theory, bringing to the forefront the question of freedom, examining the relationship between the ethical and the political, and complicating the distinction between violence and nonviolence.
The Dark Side of Speech
A Disenchanted Report on the Decade that Preceded the Invasion of Ukraine
Carlo Penco, University of Genoa, Italy
Availability: In stock
636pp. ¦ $91 £73 €85
What is disinformation, and why does it matter? How can we understand and detect different kinds of disinformation? The book's four parts provide the reader with answers and a deeper understanding of various concepts and events: (1) On notions of post-truth and fake news, with examples from the last decade. (2) On the notion of conspiracy theory and the influence of “narratives” that obfuscate the truth of the matter. (3) On the role of algorithms in propaganda and their impact on freedom of expression. (4) On “emergency tools” for detecting disinformation at an individual level, understanding the most hidden mechanisms of the dark side of the speech. From the preface by John Perry (Stanford University): “What to do with this book? Read it from start to finish; it is fascinating. Alternatively, pick out a topic, study the index and learn all about it. I think the book would make a great text for an undergraduate course --- a semester or even a year. But by picking one topic or another, historical or philosophical or a combination, one could put together a great lecture or a seminar. If you find your kids seduced by bullshit from the internet, set them down and explain where it really came from. And for that matter, use the book to help determine whether your own beliefs are information or disinformation.”
THAWZEN Moments: Autoethnographic piano teaching and learning stories
Jeeyeon Ryu, Yorkville University
Availability: In stock
210pp. [Color] ¦ $65 £54 €61
THAWZEN Moments: Autoethnographic Piano Teaching and Learning Stories is a collection of 46 vignettes, digitally edited photographs, poems, and reflective-reflexive narratives about children’s imaginative, creative, and magical lifeworlds of exploring music and piano playing. There are many ways of learning to play the piano, THAWZEN different ways of re/imagining music. There are many stories to share with you, never-ending questions to explore together. The stories included in this book are our happy piano play, our shared musical journeys in re/creating more meaningful and joyful piano teaching and learning experiences.
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Culminating Student Experiences
Edited by
Michael G. Strawser, University of Central Florida
and Robin Yaure, Penn State Mont Alto
Availability: In stock
264pp. ¦ $104 £83 €97
Despite the relatively recent popularity of culminating experiences, a multidisciplinary and practical resource that provides information for all types of culminating student experiences is not yet available. The idea for this volume arose because of the recognition that a holistic and applied resource for those looking to have general knowledge of different ways to assess student learning, especially at the undergraduate level was lacking. This text seeks to fill a gap and provide a historical context for culminating experiences, suggestions for assessment, foundational knowledge for different types of projects, and finally approaches to using these experiences in various disciplines. Because of the information desired, experts in their field from a wide variety of disciplines were approached to be chapter contributors. This resource focuses predominantly on undergraduate students but many of the chapters can either be applied to both undergraduate and graduate students (e.g., thesis) or specifically focus on the graduate student population (e.g., dissertation).