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Series: Series in Sociology

Solutions to knife crime: a path through the red sea?

Sue Roberts, University of Portsmouth

December 2020 / ISBN: 978-1-62273-942-4
Availability: In stock
180pp. ¦ $43 £32 €36

This book addresses one of the UK’s most persistent and serious concerns: knife crime. While research diagnosing the cause of rising knife crime abounds, few studies articulate effective solutions to this complex social problem. Drawing on data from cities across the UK, Sue Roberts suggests concrete forms of collaboration that may just spare future generations from the worst of this terrifying scourge. “Solutions to knife crime: a path through the red sea?” will fascinate law-enforcers, policy-makers, criminologists and other specialists both within and outside academia. It will also appeal to anyone who’s been affected, or is simply concerned, by this blight on British society.

Culture-Led Urban Regeneration in South Korea

Milyung Son, The University of Sheffield

January 2021 / ISBN: 978-1-62273-678-2
Availability: In stock
142pp. ¦ $45 £33 €38

There is a continuing academic and policy interest in the potential for culture-based urban regeneration across the world. Such regeneration is intended to attract investment, re-imagine spaces and create employment, business and urban planning opportunities. This book seeks to examine the use of culture and arts in the urban regeneration sphere of South Korea. Specifically, a one-year-long cultural event (Culture City of East Asia) is used as a case study for exploring wider debates around and understandings of the relationships between culture-led urban regeneration initiatives and the impacts on communities in South Korea. Despite the proliferation of culture-led initiatives aiming to tackle broad social issues, there is a lack of in-depth research into the efficacy of such urban regeneration. Previous researches have asked such questions as: What benefits can cultural elements (e.g. mega-events or signature buildings) bring into a city? What is the role of culture in economic development (e.g. tourism and internal investment)? What is the economic value of cultural goods and services? This is not to say that such questions should be the only concerns in assessing a culture-led urban regeneration strategy. However, the evaluation process of culture-led regeneration frequently fails to ask questions about the impact on human communities: Are cultural resources being used to spread culture, or just to focus on economic development? Are cultural initiatives like mega-events being used to benefit local citizens? How can residents shape a culture-led regeneration strategy? This book is intent on examining residents’ opinions and perspectives about culture-led urban regeneration. It recognizes how culture-led regeneration schemes interact with local communities, focusing on the actual views of local people rather than being coldly theoretical.

Identity in Question: The Study of Tibetan Refugees in the Indian Himalayas

Swati Akshay Sachdeva, Sikkim University, India and Yumnam Surjyajeevan, Sikkim Manipal University, India

October 2020 / ISBN: 978-1-62273-912-7
Availability: In stock
195pp. ¦ $36 £27 €30

"Identity in Question: The Study of Tibetan Refugees in Indian Himalayas" focuses on the socio-economic profile and the question of identity among the diasporic Tibetan communities, particularly those settled in Indian Himalaya. Through incorporating the notion of integration, essential in the formation and formulation of an individual’s identity, this book explores Tibetan refugees’ feelings as to whether a shared consensus between themselves and others exists, or whether a sense of dislocation is experienced. This important and timely work also sheds light on the question of identity crisis among Tibetan youths as well as conflicting gender role identity of the Tibetan women refugees. Delving into such topics is essential for the increased understanding of the various situations encountered by the diasporic communities of Tibet. Therefore, individuals who are seeking to understand the issue by means of academic engagement and through a policy framework process will benefit from this work.

Conversations With Food

Edited by Dorothy Chansky, Texas Tech University and Sarah W. Tracy, University of Oklahoma

September 2020 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-102-1
Availability: In stock
254pp. ¦ $61 £46 €52

"Conversations With Food" offers readers an array of essays revealing the power of food (and its absence) to transform relationships between the human and non-human realms; to define national, colonial, and postcolonial cultures; to help instantiate race, gender, and class relations; and to serve as the basis for policymaking. Food functions in these contexts as items in religious or secular law, as objects with which to bargain or over which to fight, as literary trope, and as a way to improve or harm health—individual or collective. The anthology ranges from Ancient Greece to the posthuman fairy underworld; from the codifying of French culinary heritage to the strategic marketing of 100-calorie snacks; from the European famine after the Second World War to the lush and exotic cuisines of culinary tourism today. “Conversations With Food” will engage anyone interested in discovering the disciplinary breadth and depth of food studies. The anthology is ideally suited for introductory and advanced courses in food studies, as it includes essays in a range of humanities and social science disciplines, and each author draws cross-disciplinary linkages between their own work and other essays in the volume. This thematic and conceptual intercalation, when read with the editors’ introduction, makes the collection an exceptionally strong representation of the field of food studies.

The Recovery Handbook: Understanding Addictions and Evidenced-Based Treatment Practices

Nicholas D. Young, American International College et al.

April 2020 / ISBN: 978-1-62273-967-7
Availability: In stock
174pp. ¦ $43 £32 €37

Addiction is rapidly becoming one of the most significant challenges to mental health today. According to the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH, 2018), 19.7 million Americans, aged 12 and older, battled a substance disorder alone in 2017. Additionally, 8.5 million of those individuals also suffered from a mental health disorder, with millions more suffering from a range of other addictive disorders and associated behaviors that interfere with physical, social and emotional health. These alarming statistics highlight the crucial need for mental health providers to be kept up to date with the latest research on the full range of addiction treatment and recovery. ‘The Recovery Handbook: Understanding Addictions and Evidenced-Based Treatment Practices’ provides a comprehensive examination of the various forms of addiction, its physical and mental complexities, and, unlike other sources on addiction, effective evidence-based interventions that promote a healthy recovery. Particular attention is given to the nature of addiction, including environmental, genetic, and developmental factors; with authors examining the short- and long-term effects of a variety of addictions such as drug, alcohol, gambling, food, sex, shopping, work, and video gaming to name a few. This book will serve as a valuable resource for counselors, psychologists, professors, graduate students in the helping professions, as well as families of addicts, co-workers, and those suffering from addiction themselves.