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Series: Series in Literary Studies

Discursos e Identidades en la Ficción Romántica / Discourses and Identities in Romance Fiction

Visiones Anglófonas de Madeira y Canarias / Anglophone Visions from Madeira and the Canaries

Edited by María Isabel González Cruz, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

December 2021 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-088-8
Availability: In stock
406pp. ¦ $88 £69 €76

Despreciado por la crítica por su condición de literatura popular y femenina, el género romántico no solo continúa imbatible en el mercado editorial con su elevado índice de ventas, sino que en las últimas décadas está siendo objeto de interesantes estudios académicos. "Discursos e Identidades en la Ficción Romántica" se suma a esta corriente, al abordar el análisis interdisciplinar de un corpus de novelas publicadas en lengua inglesa entre 1955 y 2004. Ambientados en las islas atlánticas de Madeira y Canarias, estos textos encierran una variedad de discursos que ponen de manifiesto una visión muy anglófona de los lugares visitados por las protagonistas. Además del esperado discurso de género, en sus páginas se detecta un discurso del paraíso que resalta el exotismo de las islas, despertando en ocasiones la concienciación medioambiental, aunque también se perciben actitudes lingüísticas e incluso raciales, a medida que las autoras indagan en el descubrimiento del Otro. Ni los personajes ni los narradores son ajenos al choque de identidades y al contacto lingüístico (anglo-español y anglo-portugués), de manera que los conflictos que generan la identidad nacional, la identidad de género y la identidad étnica se vislumbran claramente tras la aparente sencillez de la intriga amorosa de este tipo de novelas. Disdained by critics for its status as popular and feminine literature, romance fiction not only remains unbeatable in the publishing market in terms of sales, but has also been the subject of interesting academic studies in recent decades. "Discourses and Identities in Romance Fiction" joins this trend by addressing the interdisciplinary analysis of a corpus of novels published in English between 1955 and 2004. Set on the Atlantic islands of Madeira and the Canaries, these texts develop a variety of discourses that reveal a very Anglophone vision of the places visited by their protagonists. In addition to the expected gender discourse, these romances tend to include a paradise narrative that highlights the exoticism of the islands, sometimes awakening environmental awareness. Linguistic and even racial attitudes also come to the forefront, as the writers explore and describe the features of the Other. Neither the characters nor the narrators are oblivious to the clash of identities and the linguistic contact (English-Spanish and English-Portuguese) exposed in this type of novels, revealing the conflicts generated by national, gender and/or ethnic identities behind the apparent simplicity of their love plots.

The Confluence of Wisdom Along the Silk Road

Omar Khayyam’s Transformative Poetry

Mostafa Vaziri, University of Innsbruck, Austria

July 2021 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-257-8
Availability: In stock
208pp. ¦ $79 £63 €68

For centuries along the vibrant cultural corridor of the Silk Road of Central Asia, philosophers and thinkers from Hellenic, Chinese and Indian traditions debated existential issues. Out of this stimulating milieu, the iconic poet-mathematician Omar Khayyam emerged in the eleventh century, advancing a transformative intercultural philosophy in his poetic work, the Rubaiyat. Vaziri traces the themes of Khayyam’s Rubaiyat back to the highly influential philosophical traditions of the Silk Road and uncovers fascinating parallels in original works by Heraclitus, Zhuangzi (Daoism), Nagarjuna (Mahayana Buddhism), and the Upanishads. In addition, Vaziri’s elegant translation and unique classification of the verses of the Rubaiyat reveal an existential roadmap laid out by Khayyam. In this pioneering volume, Vaziri not only fuses the multiple disciplines of literature, philosophy, culture, history and medicine but also takes the approach of the Rubaiyat to a new level, presenting it as a source of wisdom therapy that stands the test of time in the face of doubt and confusion, offering a platform for self-restoration.

African Literature, Mother Earth and Religion

Edited by Enna Sukutai Gudhlanga, Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe et al.

January 2022 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-128-1
Availability: In stock
220pp. ¦ $65 £53 €59

This book is a collection of essays that explore the intersection of Earth, Gender and Religion in African literary texts. It examines cultural, religious, theological and philosophical traditions, and their construction of perspectives and attitudes about Earth-keeping and gender. This publication is critical given the current global environmental crisis and its impact on African and global communities. The book is multidisciplinary in approach (literary, environmental, theological and sociological), exploring the intersection of African creative work, religion and the environment in their construction of Earth and gender. It presents how the gendered interconnectedness of the natural environment, with its broad spirituality and deep identification with the woman, features prominently in the myths, folklores, legends, rituals, sacred songs and incantations that are explored in this collection. Both male and female writers in the collection laud and accept woman’s enduring motif as worker, symbol and guardian of the environment. This interconnectedness mirrors the importance of the environment for the survival of both human and non-human components of Mother Earth. The ideology of women’s agency is emphasised and reinforced by ecofeminist theologians; namely those viewing African women as active agents working closely with the environment and not as subordinates. In the context of the environmental crisis the nurturing role of women should be bolstered and the rich African traditions that conserved the environment preserved. The book advocates the re-engagement of women, particularly their knowledge and conservation techniques and how these can become reservoirs of dying traditions. This volume offers recorded traditions in African literary texts, thereby connecting gender, religion and the environment and helpful perspectives in Earth-keeping.

Societal Constructions of Masculinity in Chicanx and Mexican Literature

From Machismo to Feminist Masculinity

Edited by Bryan R. Pearce-Gonzales, Shenandoah University and Kathryn Quinn-Sanchez, Georgian Court University

July 2021 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-046-8
Availability: In stock
166pp. ¦ $58 £44 €49

'Societal Constructions of Masculinity in Chicanx and Mexican Literature: From Machismo to Feminist Masculinity' demonstrates how masculinity has been constructed and deconstructed as a challenge or reinforcement of patriarchy in cultural works over the last 50 years. The discussion therein focuses on the cultural shift towards a feminist masculinity and how this change is represented in Chicanx and Mexican literature and Mexican telenovelas. The book begins with how violence, citizenship, and masculinity become intertwined as patriarchy fights, both literally and figuratively, to regain the ground it lost to women's agency during WWII. It explores the author's subversion of the status quo through imagining a new aesthetic based on a poetic masculinity which highlights new forms of social relations that validate new masculinities. This is followed by examining texts from the aftermath of the Mexican Revolution that demonstrate how, by pairing the successes and failures of the nation with masculinity, one can see that as time progresses the very definition of what it signifies to be a Mexican male has been adapting along with the State. The book also explains how fatherhood has been represented in Chicanx literature and considers masculine relationships more broadly. The analysis of the telenovelas in this volume indicates how homosexuality serves as the catalyst for a reconfiguring of gender narratives, ultimately leading to change and acceptance within Mexican society while providing an unequivocal look into the future of masculinity as it begins to overthrow its historical gender binaries. This book will appeal to advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals, both specialists and generalists, in fields including Gender Studies, Women's Studies, Comparative Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Latina/o Studies, Latin and American Studies, and Cultural Studies. Feminists and activists for human rights will also find this an interesting and valuable text.

Names as Metaphors in Shakespeare’s Comedies

Grant W. Smith, Eastern Washington University

May 2021 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-018-5
Availability: In stock
371pp. ¦ $73 £54 €61

'Names as Metaphors in Shakespeare’s Comedies' presents a comprehensive study of names in Shakespeare’s comedies. Although names are used in daily speech as simple designators, often with minimal regard for semantic or phonological suggestiveness, their coinage is always based on analogy. They are words (i.e., signs) borrowed from previous referents and contexts, and applied to new referents. Thus, in the literary use of language, names are figurative inventions and have measurable thematic significance: they evoke an association of attributes between two or more referents, contextualize each work of literature within its time, and reflect the artistic development of the writer. In the introduction, Smith describes the literary use of names as creative choices that show the indebtedness of authors to previous literature, as well as their imaginative descriptions (etymologically and phonologically) of memorable character types, and their references to cultural phenomena that make their names meaningful to their contemporary readers and audience. This book presents fourteen essays demonstrating the analytical models explained in the introduction. These essays focus on Shakespeare’s comedies as presented in the First Folio. They do not follow the chronological order of their composition; instead, the individual essays give special attention to differences between the plays that suggest Shakespeare’s artistic development, including the varied sources of his borrowings, the differences between his etymological and phonological coinages, the frequency and types of his topical references, and his use of epithets and generics. This book will appeal to Shakespeare students and scholars at all levels, particularly those who are keen on studying his comedies. This study will also be relevant for researchers and graduate students interested in onomastics. He can be reached at