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Language: English

Re-Thinking Gender, Equality and Development: Perspectives from Academia

Edited by Anuradha Tiwary, GD Goenka University, India and Tarakeshwar Gupta, GD Goenka University, India

September 2022 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-290-5
Availability: In stock
270pp. ¦ $78 £61 €72

Since birth, we have been ensnared in a gendered world. Gender is so deeply ingrained in various aspects of our lives, such as social, political, legal, and economic institutions and the related actions, ideas, and aspirations, that it appears natural. As a result of gender-defined roles and experiences, gendered hierarchies get established. It is crucial to re-examine the fundamental issues of gender, equality, and development from a new perspective. In doing so, this volume puts aside what we are accustomed to and challenges some of our most fundamental assumptions and understandings. It analyses gender not as a given but as a feat, not just as the cause but also as a result, and not only as a person but also as a society, in order to expose and critique the processes that create or reassert the inevitability and naturalness of a gendered reality. The book sketches the basic understanding of gender, its construction, perception of gender, the process of identity formation and socialization, and the kind of influence gender has on society. This volume is a comprehensive resource that gives a new perspective on gender as a key organizing factor within society, it unpacks the social construction of knowledge, categories of difference, and structures of power and inequality, from the viewpoints of researchers and academicians. Researchers, teachers, students, and other groups interested in gender studies, sociology, law, history, and languages will find the book refreshingly handy in their inquiry. The book is a collection of narratives, empirical evidence, and opinion papers along with systematic literature reviews around gender, equality and development.

Protomusic: The role of Prosodic Modulation in the Emergence of Language

Alessandra Anastasi, University of Messina, Italy

October 2022 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-152-6
Availability: In stock
186pp. ¦ $62 £50 €54

Anastasi introduces an alternative vision about language development and music involvement to the current scientific discourse. Her view is based on a rigorous evolutionary perspective, through which she not only demonstrates the hypothesis of vocal continuity with other species via morphological data but, more importantly, also demonstrates how music is first and foremost a biological and cognitive trait. The bond between animal and human communication is here interpreted as an interspecific universal with a clear evolutionary impact on the speech’s natural history. Such continuity does not undermine the species-specificity of our linguistic system and, at the same time, supports the theory according to which music had a clear evolutionary role in the inception of the prosodic and musical components of speech. In leaning towards a bio-naturalistic approach, the most convincing view is that of a vocal and functional continuity of music. This appears to be demonstrable through the evolutionary past of vocality in other animal species, not constrained from having some form of cultural transmission. The book evidences that the current research scenario on non-human animal communication benefits from the support of semiotics and, specifically, zoosemiotics. The latter approach enables us to interpret music and chant not only as a simple formal and meaningless exercise, but rather as a communicative element perceived and processed by organisms equipped with cognitive abilities. Anastasi argues that vocal continuity, made possible by biological constraints that mark its anatomical and physiological aspects, places human beings in a relationship of semiotic continuity with non-human communication forms. In turn, this enables us to better describe the phylogenetic processes which determined the development of musical behaviours in the Sapiens, as well as the way in which such behaviours interwove with the expressive vocality of the animal world.

Leading and Managing Open and Distance e-Learning (ODeL) Institutions in Africa

Edited by Cuthbert Majoni, Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe

September 2022 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-352-0
Availability: In stock
246pp. ¦ $73 £57 €63

'Leading and Managing Open and Distance E-Learning (ODeL) Institutions in Africa' focuses on e-learning, especially in developing countries in Africa. The outbreak of COVID-19 has forced most educational institutions, including conventional institutions in higher education, to embrace e-learning as a tool to ensure that education is not paralysed but continues to thrive. However, the major challenge has been shifting focus from the conventional face-to-face mode to the e-learning mode. This calls for a change of mindset and a review of practices to ensure success in implementing e-learning. This book has 12 chapters that explore the leadership theories and approaches that influence administrative practices in ODeL institutions, as well as student support within library and information services, the complexities of student affairs, the inclusion of students with special needs, the contemporary issues of innovation and industrialisation, and effective marketing techniques for the survival and growth of tertiary institutions. It is hoped that the recipients of this book can acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge relevant to the successful implementation of e-learning.

Forming a Global Community

Joseph de Rivera, Clark University

September 2022 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-516-6
Availability: In stock
256pp. ¦ $55 £43 €51

To address global problems such as pandemics, warming, economic inequality, mass migration, and widespread terrorism, Joseph de Rivera argues that we must form a global community. A community of eight billion humans is difficult to conceive. However, it can be imagined and created if we transform our understanding of who humans are and what ‘community’ entails. We can understand who persons are, how they are motivated, and how a community can be conceived in a way that offers an alternative to individualism and collectivism. The “mutualism” that is proposed provides a moral compass for navigating the challenges that confront us and encourages specific governing structures, political economies, and rituals that will further the formation of a global community. Based on the philosophical analysis of John Macmurray, the author’s argument relies on an extensive review of the current literature on self, personhood, emotional motivation, social identity, forms of community, and religious and secular rituals. Interdisciplinary in nature, it aims to direct philosophy and the social sciences to the challenges of globalism and the creation of a global community.

The Enlightened Mind: Education in the Long Eighteenth Century

Edited by Amanda Strasik, Eastern Kentucky University

September 2022 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-514-2
Availability: In stock
164pp. ¦ $68 £57 €64

The rise of Enlightenment philosophical and scientific thought during the long eighteenth century in Europe and North America (c. 1688-1815) sparked artistic and political revolutions, reframed social, gender, and race relations, reshaped attitudes toward children and animals, and reconceptualized womanhood, marriage, and family life. The meaning of “education” at this time was wide-ranging and access to it was divided along lines of gender, class, and race. Learning happened in diverse environments under the tutelage of various teachers, ranging from bourgeois mothers at home, to Spanish clergy, to nature itself. The contributors to this cross-disciplinary volume weave together methods in art history, gender studies, and literary analysis to reexamine “education” in different contexts during the Enlightenment era. They explore the implications of redesigned curricula, educational categorizations and spaces, pedagogical aids and games, the role of religion, and new prospects for visual artists, parents, children, and society at large. Collectively, the authors demonstrate how new learning opportunities transformed familial structures and the socio-political conditions of urban centers in France, Britain, the United States, and Spain. Expanded approaches to education also established new artistic practices and redefined women’s roles in the arts. This volume offers groundbreaking perspectives on education that will appeal to beginning and seasoned humanities scholars alike.