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Cosmopolitan Ambassadors: International exhibitions, cultural diplomacy and the polycentral museum
Lee Davidson, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
and Leticia Pérez-Castellanos, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico
Availability: In stock
264pp. ¦ $62 £44 €51
Winner of the 2020 Miguel Covarrubias Prize to the best research work How are museums working internationally through exhibitions? What motivates this work? What are the benefits and challenges? What factors contribute to success? What impact does this work have for audiences and other stakeholders? What contributions are they making to cultural diplomacy, intercultural dialogue and understanding? Cosmopolitan Ambassadors first considers the current state of knowledge about international exhibitions and proposes an interdisciplinary analytical framework encompassing museum studies, visitor studies, cultural diplomacy and international cultural relations, cosmopolitanism and intercultural studies. It then presents a comprehensive empirical analysis of an exhibition exchange involving two exhibitions that crossed five countries and three continents, connecting six high profile cultural institutions and spanning almost a decade from initial conception to completion. A detailed comparison of both the intercultural production of international exhibitions by museum partnerships and by the interpretive acts and meaning-making of visitors, reveals the many complexities, challenges, tensions and rewards of international exhibitions and their intersection with cultural diplomacy. Key themes include the realities of international collaboration, its purposes, processes and challenges; the politics of cultural (self-)representation and Indigenous museology; implications for exhibition design, interpretation, and marketing; intercultural competency and museum practice; audience reception and meaning-making; cultural diplomacy in practice and perceptions of its value. This first-ever empirically-grounded, theoretical analysis provides the basis of a new model of museums as polycentral: as places that might produce a kaleidoscopic vision of multiple centres and help to dissolve cultural boundaries by encouraging dialogue, negotiation and the search for intercultural understandings. Guidelines for practice include recommendations for successful international museum partnerships, exhibition development and maximizing the potential of museum diplomacy.
The Exclusive Economic Zone
February 2019 / ISBN: 978-1-62273-535-8Availability: In stock
300pp. ¦ $67 £50 €57
Traditionally, the law of the sea was divided into the territorial sea and the high seas which accounted for the application of different rules under different circumstances. Concerning the territorial sea, the coastal state enjoys full sovereignty to the right of innocent passage, while under the high seas rules all countries enjoy multifaceted uses of the sea qualified only by the limitations imposed by international law. The development of the exclusive economic zone ended this traditional dualism and ushered in guidelines that are embodied within the text of the LOS Convention. The Exclusive Economic Zone presents to academia and the general reading public a comprehensive study of the EEZ concept as it relates to the LOS Convention and state practice. The Exclusive Economic Zone shows that even through coastal states have the right to develop a 200 miles EEZ and that this right is an integral part of contemporary international relations, it is also true that the EEZ concept is shrouded in legal ambiguities. Using qualitative and inductive methods, the scholarship draws on treaties, official proclamations, government archives, and scholarly works that are germane to the development of the EEZ. Students, scholars, and members of the general public with an interest in international law will find that The Exclusive Economic Zone deepens their understanding of the evolution of the EEZ concept.
Essays in Post-Critical Philosophy of Technology
Edited by
Mihály Héder, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), Hungary
and Eszter Nádasi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), Hungary
Availability: In stock
170pp. ¦ $42 £32 €36
Technology, in all its forms, has had and continues to have an indisputable impact on society and culture. Philosophy of technology seeks to understand this impact and the meaning of technology for society and culture. Although its origins can be traced back to the Greeks, it wasn’t until the late 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century that it gained ground as a philosophical discipline. Now more than ever it is considered an essential philosophical enterprise. ‘The Budapest Workshop on Philosophy of Technology’ was a lively and successful event that sought to discuss, reflect on and apply this branch of philosophical inquiry to both historical and contemporary examples. Importantly, the contributors’ methodological approaches were influenced by, although not limited to, Michael Polanyi’s term ‘post-critical’. Moving beyond the rigidity of past approaches, the selected essays were driven by two lines of inquiry, what has been the historical role of technology in social and scientific change? And, how can a ‘post-critical’ approach enhance and extend our understanding of philosophy of technology? This edited volume begins by exploring the role of technology in social and scientific developments from a historical perspective, before moving towards a discussion of philosophy of technology from a ‘Post-Critical’ epistemic stance. Free from the constraints of previous methodologies, the third part of this work engages with the term ‘Post-Critical’ in its broadest sense. The contributors to this section consider the phenomenology of the body and the influence of technology on our lives. Finally, the four concluding chapters of this book apply this philosophical approach to a wide range of contemporary problems from Decision Support Systems to Crisis Communication.
God: A brief philosophical introduction II
K.H.A. Esmail, University of Cambridge
Availability: In stock
369pp. ¦ $66 £50 €56
This is a clear and original investigation of God's nature and existence. First of all, it considers two of God’s traditional properties: being all-knowing and being all-powerful. It argues he cannot possess these properties. But, it argues this is in accord with him being worthy of worship. Secondly, it introduces the notion of evil being “overridden”. It argues he has to bring about other free living things and it is plausible they have to be liable to experience evil due to their conditions. But, it argues the evil in this world is “overridden”. Thirdly, it considers the principal arguments for the claim he does not exist. (They refer to the evil in the world.) It argues they do not establish sufficient grounds for this claim. Finally, it considers some well-known arguments for the claim he exists. It argues they face difficulties. It sets out other arguments: eg, some arguments to increase any degree of belief one has that God can exist. It includes a number of Appendices: God’s sovereignty; Are there sufficient grounds for the claim that, very probably, God does not exist?; Theodicy and some theodicies; .... It covers as a whole the principal parts of the Philosophy of Religion. It unifies these parts to a significant degree. It proceeds regularly by way of formal and clear arguments. It will be of interest to advanced students and specialists in Philosophy, Religious Studies and Theology. Given its explanation of key terms, its jargon-free language, its clarity and brevity.... , it will be of interest to others, too.
Introducción a la Macroeconomía Computacional
Anelí Bongers, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
et al.
Availability: In stock
352pp. ¦ $41 £26 €35
Este libro presenta una introducción a la macroeconomía computacional, utilizando un nuevo enfoque para el estudio de los modelos macroeconómicos dinámicos. Para ello resolveremos numéricamente una gran variedad de modelos en tiempo discreto, utilizando como herramienta informática una hoja de cálculo; en particular, Excel de Microsoft. Los modelos resueltos incluyen tanto modelos macroeconómicos dinámicos con expectativas racionales no microfundamentados, como modelos microfundamentados, constituyendo un enfoque que facilita el aprendizaje y uso de los modelos de equilibrio general dinámico, los cuales se han convertido en la principal herramienta para el análisis macroeconómico en la actualidad. Las hojas de cálculo son ampliamente conocidas y relativamente fáciles de usar, lo que supone que los conocimientos informáticos necesarios para poder trabajar con modelos de equilibrio general dinámico son asequibles para alumnos de grado.