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"Para poder componer…": Una biografía sonora sobre Alejandro García Villalón 'Virulo' (1955-2008)
Pablo Alejandro Suárez Marrero, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (México)
Availability: In stock
152pp. ¦ $57 £45 €53
La pluralidad discursiva manifiesta en la actual música popular se encuentra enmarcada en una realidad estético-musical cambiante, causada por una postmodernidad social cada vez más abierta a la globalización de las expresiones culturales de los pueblos. Es dentro de esta dinámica social que emerge la figura creativa de Alejandro García Villalón Virulo y sus grabaciones sonoras (1973-2021). En estas, el cantautor empleó disímiles recursos musicales, literarios, escénicos y visuales para ejercer la crítica sobre sus contextos germinales, como vía desacralizadora de culturas hegemónicas y paradigmas sociales construidos a lo largo del devenir histórico de los pueblos de la región. La casi nula existencia de estudios académicos sobre este artista y sus documentos sonoros constituye una oportunidad para construir su biografía sonora como contexto de performance (1955-2008), donde se imbricaron elementos históricos, políticos, sociales y culturales condicionados por marcos temporales y espacios geográficos. Para ello, se concatenaron herramientas teóricas, conceptuales y metodológicas provenientes de los estudios de performance, la historiografía crítica y la musicología popular. La presente investigación conduce a repensar las relaciones entre música y humor en culturas musicales de América Latina y el Caribe, la concepción de la biografía sonora de un cantautor como aproximación a su contexto germinal, así como el abordaje de los documentos de música grabada o programada como fuentes primarias de información para estudios sociales de prácticas sonoro-musicales situadas.
Los jesuitas y la gestión religiosa intercultural a principios de la Edad Moderna
Capital humano, mentalidad global y obra misionera en Japón y Perú durante los siglos XVI y XVII
Frank Jacob, Nord University, Norway
Availability: In stock
234pp. ¦ $77 £61 €71
Este libro analiza el papel del capital humano y la mentalidad global de la exitosa gestión intercultural de la Compañía de Jesús en los contextos geográficos de Japón y Perú durante los siglos XVI y XVII. Evalúa y analiza datos históricos de más de 200 jesuitas según la teoría de gestión moderna. El trabajo es, por tanto, un estudio interdisciplinario relacionado con la historia de las órdenes religiosas, la expansión europea, la gestión transcultural o intercultural, y muestra cómo los misioneros jesuitas en Japón y Perú lograron y estimularon una expansión exitosa de la influencia de su orden en estas regiones del mundo. Si bien analiza un tema histórico, el libro también será de interés para los gerentes de hoy en día, y para todos aquellos interesados en crear una exitosa estrategia para la gestión intercultural.
Ser libre era bueno: Dos narrativas de esclavos del caribe angloparlante
Una traducción
Carmen J. Jiménez, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Availability: In stock
288pp. ¦ $83 £67 €78
"Ser libre era bueno: Dos narrativas de esclavos del caribe angloparlante: Una traducción" (Bilingual version English- Spanish) brings to life the stories of Mary Prince and Ashton Warner, two enslaved people from the Caribbean who dictated their narratives to British author Susan Strickland. Prince was the first enslaved woman from the Caribbean to undertake such an endeavor. This bilingual text, with an introduction in Spanish, is not only a valuable resource for researchers and literature students but is also accessible and engaging for other adults, adolescents, and young adults. It offers a unique perspective on the experiences of enslaved people in the Caribbean and their fight for freedom. "Ser libre era bueno: Dos narrativas de esclavos del caribe angloparlante: Una traducción" (Versión bilingüe inglés-español) da vida a las historias de Mary Prince y Ashton Warner, dos esclavos del Caribe que dictaron sus narrativas a la autora británica Susan Strickland. Prince fue la primera mujer esclavizada del Caribe en emprender tal esfuerzo. Este texto bilingüe, con una introducción en español, no sólo es un recurso valioso para investigadores y estudiantes de literatura, sino que también es accesible y atractivo para otros adultos, adolescentes y jóvenes. Ofrece una perspectiva única sobre las experiencias de los pueblos esclavizados en el Caribe y su lucha por la libertad.
Teoría de las maravillas: Evolución, cerebro y la naturaleza radical de la ciencia
Gonzalo Munévar, Lawrence Technological University
Availability: In stock
210pp. [Color] ¦ $73 £53 €60
'Teoría de las Maravillas: Evolución, cerebro y la naturaleza radical de la ciencia' aspira a determinar la mejor manera en la que la ciencia puede satisfacer nuestros sentidos de maravillarnos a través de la exploración del mundo. El empirismo establece que la ciencia tiene éxito porque sigue el método científico: La observación basa su juicio en la Teoría, apoyándola o rechazándola. Se ha dado mucho crédito al inventor de este método, Galileo, pero cuando los filósofos historicistas de la ciencia, como Kuhn y Feyerabend, llaman nuestra atención sobre lo que Galileo investigó y escribió realmente, nos quedamos en shock al descubrir que lo que hizo fue clavar una daga en el corazón del Empirismo. Derogó la distinción entre teoría y observación. Hechos simples, como la caída en vertical de una piedra, descartaron el movimiento terrestre. Y con esto concluir que, si la piedra cae en vertical, sin embargo, tenemos que asumir que la tierra no se mueve. Si se moviera entonces la piedra solo daría la sensación de caer en vertical. Galileo, de esta manera, reemplazó los “hechos” sobre el movimiento de la tierra con “hechos” que incluían este movimiento. Este proceso es típico de las revoluciones científicas. Una buena estrategia para la ciencia es la elaboración de alternos radicales. De esta manera, y sobre su tesis, se reconsidera lo que cuenta como evidencia. A Feyerabend se le llamó irracional por esta sugerencia. Pero, si miramos la practica de la ciencia desde la perspectiva de la evolución y de la neurociencia, esta nos muestra que la sugerencia, de hecho, es bastante racional y que, además, ofrece una explicación sobre el por qué la ciencia funciona mejor como forma radical de conocimiento. También nos conduce a una forma biológica sensitiva de verdad relativa, con borradores preliminares que llevan a interesantes debates con otros investigadores de la filosofía de la ciencia. Este libro será de gran interés para estudiantes universitarios, profesores e investigadores en el ámbito de la historia o de la filosofía de la ciencia, así como a cualquiera con un interés general en la naturaleza de la ciencia.
Dialoguing with Critical Race Theory: Constitutional and Christian Links
Mark Ellingsen, Interdenominational Theological Center
Availability: In stock
112pp. ¦ $54 £43 €50
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is certainly a hot topic. No longer just the legal theory it was originally designed to be, it has become an icon for determining which side you are on concerning racism. Most of the loudest voices, especially in the debate about CRT in our schools, seem not to have actually studied the theory. This is a book to get you into the heart of CRT’s actual analysis and prescriptions. It’s a book to get Americans to stop all the shouting and really find out what CRT teaches. It might also contribute to getting more civility into our public discourse. Ellingsen demonstrates how in fact what Critical Race Theory teaches is in line with our Constitutional system’s realism about political solutions, suspicions of our selfishness, and the majority’s tendency to run roughshod over minorities. He also demonstrates that these commitments are consistent with Christianity’s understanding of original sin and the quest for social justice. Consequently, if critics do not want CRT taught in our schools or to be part of our public discourse, we had better stop teaching the Constitution and Christian values in our schools, to rule these commitments as out of order in our search for common values! Get ready for a stimulating, controversial, well-documented read.
Silver Age and After: Repressed Russian Poets, Artists and Philosophers during the Soviet Period
July 2024 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-020-8Availability: In stock
270pp. ¦ $79 £63 €74
The details of the Jewish Holocaust have become part of our history through the testimony of those who survived the death camps. The details of Lenin’s and Stalin’s reign of terror are far less known because they took place behind a wall of secrecy, and because survivors have been loath to speak about them for fear of retribution. This is an encompassing volume presenting an intense display, as complete as can be, of poets, artists, musicians, and philosophers and intellectual actors implicated in different aspects of Russian life roughly through the period 1900-1960. They were people who had lived under the Soviet regime in times of peace and in times of war, from the Red Terror through the Great Terror. One must bear in mind the political and economic conditions in which those lives developed: the one-party rule placed above both the government and the citizens, the abashment of the division of powers, the suppression of private property and private economic initiative, the political police, and the GULAG. I deal with the poets in several chapters, then theater directors, then composers, then philosophers (these both in the introduction and in the play at the end of the book). Besides the Prologue and Introduction, the reader will find an Index of historical names, plus an extensive Bibliography. The work can be used for reference, for classroom adoption, for researchers/practitioners of Russian Literature, Political Studies, Slavic Studies, and Russian History.
Thomas Jefferson on American Indians
May 2024 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-105-2Availability: In stock
236pp. ¦ $77 £62 €72
Jefferson’s views on Indians were characterized by ambivalence. Jefferson both loved and hated Native Americans, because he loved Native Americans. Jefferson was, through his father Peter, exposed early on and directly, though likely infrequently, to mysterious but congenial Indigenes, and he came to respect profoundly their courage, physical endurance, artistry, integrity, and most importantly, their large love of liberty, even if they were “uncivilized.” So impressed by Indians culture was Jefferson that he made their nature and culture objects of study in his ‘Notes on Virginia.’ Though uncivilized, Indians showed marked signs of being readily civilizable. Thus, Jefferson, qua politician and philosopher, hoped that they would mix their blood with Whites and become part of what he saw as a great American “empire for liberty.” Miscegenation meant integration, willful or by force, into American culture and abandonment of Aboriginal ways and their radically different way of seeing the land upon which they lived, which Natives could only grudgingly accept. Was Jefferson’s Indian policy, though guided by true concern for their wellbeing, genocidal? This book ultimately aims to answer that question.
The Red Warrior: U.S. Perceptions of Stalin’s Strategic Role in the Allied Journey to Victory in The Second World War
Reagan Fancher, Texas Woman’s University
Availability: In stock
274pp. ¦ $81 £65 €76
Through U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Lend-Lease program, American leaders sought to keep Joseph Stalin’s Red Army in the field and fighting Adolf Hitler’s forces in the Second World War from 1941 forward. Delivered by the Anglo-American Arctic naval convoys, overland through the Iranian deserts and mountains, and through the skies from Alaska to Siberia, this much-needed material aid helped Stalin’s Red Army to continue fighting and thereby prevented a separate peace with Hitler’s Germany and a mechanized repeat of the First World War’s Brest-Litovsk fiasco. Yet Roosevelt and other U.S. officials, due to their severe underestimation of Stalin’s character and his rigid and fanatical devotion to exporting Communism at gunpoint, gambled incorrectly that they could win the Soviet premier’s heart and mind through several excessive wartime aid gestures, including the furnishing of atomic bomb materials to the Soviet regime. By 1945, American leaders had succeeded in their strategic goal of keeping Stalin and his Red Army in the war and hastening victory but failed in their efforts to purchase the Soviet premier’s goodwill and commitment to postwar peace, heralding the global Cold War, and setting the stage for later U.S. martial aid programs to those resisting aggression abroad. In addition to its primary focus on the American leadership’s perceptions of Stalin’s strategic importance to the Allied war effort in the Second World War, this work also includes a detailed assessment of Roosevelt’s Soviet Lend-Lease program alongside U.S. President Ronald Reagan’s later support for the Afghan Islamic guerrillas resisting Soviet occupation during the Soviet-Afghan War of the 1980s and a comparison of both martial aid programs with Washington’s recent revival of Lend-Lease aid for the Ukrainian war effort. It offers today’s American leaders and policymakers a chance to consult the lessons of history and apply them in the present.
Blasco Ibáñez en Japón: 100 años de un viaje transoceánico y su relato (1923-1924)
David Taranco, University Doshisha, Kioto, Japan
Availability: In stock
352pp. ¦ $86 £69 €80
En 1923, el escritor español Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, por entonces una de las principales figuras de la literatura mundial gracias el éxito de su novela 'Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis', se embarcó en un crucero de lujo para circunnavegar el planeta. Fruto de dicha aventura es el fascinante relato de viajes 'La vuelta al mundo de un novelista', publicado en tres volúmenes entre 1924 y 1925. Dentro de dicho recuento, Japón ocupa un espacio preponderante, tanto en extensión como en implicación descriptiva y analítica por parte del autor. Un siglo después, este libro expone las claves del protagonismo de Japón en el relato de Blasco Ibáñez y ofrece una edición anotada de los capítulos que el escritor dedicó a su recorrido por tierras japonesas. El estudio previo del personaje y de la concepción del viaje, así como las glosas a pie de página de la edición anotada, permitirán al público lector comprender mejor el trasfondo de la travesía transoceánica, descifrar referencias culturales e históricas y disfrutar aún más la lectura del entretenido e instructivo cuaderno de bitácoras. Además, el personal investigador interesado en el desarrollo del hispanismo en Japón encontrará en este libro una visión novedosa del nacimiento y la evolución del estudio de la lengua y la literatura españolas y de las culturas hispánicas en el país del sol naciente y descubrirá la extraordinaria aportación de Blasco Ibáñez en este campo.
Carmen Boullosa: In Between Brooklyn and Coyoacan
Edited by
María del Mar López-Cabrales, Colorado State University
and María Rosario Matz, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Availability: In stock
174pp. ¦ $82 £66 €77
Focusing on the works of Mexican writer Carmen Boullosa for the English reader, this volume provides access to a critical analysis of Boullosa’s writings. Her daily writing has produced an enormous and varied literary corpus that includes narrative, theater, and poetry, in addition to her work in television. This volume is divided into three different segments. The initial part is composed of six essays that analyze Boullosa’s narrative and theatrical works. In these essays contributors evaluate and analyze Boullosa’s literary production, covering many of her novels, including 'Antes' (1989), 'Llanto: novelas imposibles' (1992), 'La Milagrosa' (1993) 'Cielos de la Tierra' (1997), 'La otra mano de Lepanto' (2005), 'La novela perfecta' (2006), 'El complot de los Románticos' (2009), 'Cuando me volví mortal' (2010), 'Las paredes hablan' (2012), 'Texas' (2014), and 'El libro de Ana' (2019) as well as her 'Teatro herético' (1987). By analyzing her literary corpus, contributors explore how she reshapes historical narratives and offers thought-provoking commentaries on our modern society and its problems. Boullosa’s writings invite an in-depth analysis due to their rich complexity and explorations of various themes, therefore this volume presents how her work has a significant social impact, prompting discussions on the topics of gender, power, history, social inequality, and cultural diversity while encouraging critical thinking and empathy. These critical essays are followed by an interview with the author. We decided to also include the Spanish version of this interview for those able to read it. Boullosa’s essay, 'Épica mía/ Mi épica (My Epic)' concludes this volume. When reading this essay, we suggest to the reader to keep in mind how often her works provide a voice to characters for whom History refused to grant one. This volume will provide its reader with a key to discovering the many layers present in Boullosa’s writing.
Whisk of the Red Broom: Stalin & Ukraine, 1928-1933
April 2024 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-860-0Availability: In stock
262pp. ¦ $72 £58 €67
Once Joseph Stalin took the lead of the Soviet Bolshevists after the death of Vladimir Lenin, he quickly turned away from Lenin’s New Economic Policy, with its many concessions to capitalism, to a policy of one-country socialism, driven by his first Five Year Plan (1928) and a plan that other Bolsheviks like Lenin and Trotsky thought impossible. That shift, radical, forced Stalin to “urbanize” the USSR’s vast rural areas—that is, to impose a factory-like model on the Soviet countryside to maximize its efficiency. That required collectivizing the numerous Soviet farms—making large farms of the numerous small farms. Ukraine was to be the model republic due to its vastness and black, fertile lands. Not only were the republics to be collectivized, they were also to be Russified for the sake of model efficiency and centralization of control. And so, while Stalin, early in his political life, preached respect for the cultural diversity of its many republics and the right of secession of any republic, the need to collectivize the Soviet farms for the sake of one-country socialism demanded compliance. Ukrainian peasant-farmers were non-compliant, for they readily saw that the State was asking them for everything and giving back nothing but the pledge of efficient farms to benefit the State, and non-compliance forced Stalin’s authoritarian hand. He imposed laws that brutally punished non-compliant peasants, called “kulaks.” The plan was dekulakization. The intransigents were dispossessed of their property, alienated from other villagers, exiled, and exterminated. The result in Ukraine was the gross inefficiency of both collective and individual farms. That led to intolerance of Ukrainian culture and theft of Ukrainian grain, and even all other findable foodstuffs, to punish Ukrainians. The end was a great famine in 1932 and 1933 in which some four million Ukrainians died. Did Stalin believe that he could urbanize the Soviet countryside? Did Stalin think that socialism could take root in the backwater Soviet Union without the aid of Western succor? Did Stalin hate Ukrainians because many pressed for a cultural identity separate from that of Russia? Had Stalin’s plan of dekulakization from the beginning been a policy of political genocide? Those are some of the many questions I aim to answer in this book. I focus much on Stalin’s writings in the efforts to ascertain his mindset as a dictator.
Attired: Perspectives on Historical Costume
Edited by
Damayanthie Eluwawalage, Delaware State University
Availability: In stock
146pp. ¦ $77 £61 €72
This publication explores the integrative narratives of historical costume in the novel universal perspective of literature, leisure, ornamentation, customs/traditions, and theoretical contexts. The adaptation, mutation, and transformation of attire are the result of complex interactions between many factors, such as economic conditions, political conditions, social conditions, psychological conditions, and technology. The meanings encoded in the costume are one of the noticeable hallmarks of any society. This proposed book investigates multidisciplinary topics, for instance, embellishments such as needlework and embroidery; the historical concept of fight, physical encounter, combat, or bout and its connection with related-attire; the contribution of dress to the narrative process of Virgil’s 'Aeneid'; and the theory and philosophy of fashion.
The Disease of Liberty
Thomas Jefferson, History, & Liberty: A Philosophical Analysis
February 2024 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-819-8Availability: In stock
224pp. ¦ $77 £62 €72
Liberty for Jefferson was 'the' driving force of human history and a realizable state of the human organism and of a society of men. Study of history and anthropology showed that humans were moving from the barbaric independence suffered in primal hordes, which lived inefficiently on lands, to a more economical, human-friendly use of land in social settings, demanding laws for order. Those laws, historically, favored the powerful few to the detriment of the hoi polloi. As a pupil of the Enlightenment, Jefferson argued that all humans were by nature equal, and thus, deserving of as much civic liberty as a reason-oriented and sciences-loving society, a Jeffersonian republic, could guarantee them. This book, philosophical, explains how such a society was possible, given Jefferson’s conception of the nature of man, and how the realization of one such society could lead, through contagion, to a global community of such societies. There are a large number of books that cover Jefferson’s political ideology (e.g., Gordon Wood’s 'Empire of Liberty' and Adrienne Koch’s 'The Philosophy of Thomas Jefferson')—too many to limn—but none that gets at the philosophical implications of TJ’s views on liberty. This book, examining TJ as a natural scientist and philosophy, examines and situates him in the manner of other great political ideologists of his day—e.g., Hume and Kant.
Tolkien’s Transformative Women: Art in Triptych
Annie Brust, Kent State University
Availability: In stock
282pp. ¦ $78 £61 €72
J.R. R. Tolkien has been revered as the father of twentieth-century fantasy; however, many initially criticized him for his handling of the textual matter as male-centric magical lands that did not feature prominent female roles or significant female characters. This book will highlight the vast community of powerful female figures that Tolkien created in his fantasy writing, stemming from the distinct and dominant female forces he created in his academic translation and poetry. These fierce women serve as a culmination of the powerful forces of women and female character that originated in Medieval, Norse, and Celtic traditions. They help to create the framework from which Tolkien shaped his female community, not merely as singular figures, as previously featured, but as a dynamic network of figures who shape Tolkien's creative art. For the first time, this discussion looks at the entire community of women, featuring previously excluded figures from his academic works and highlighting translation bias in modern manuscripts of the extant medieval works that influenced these women. It also seeks to create a comprehensive guide and detailed appendices exploring the female characters and influences throughout his writing portfolio. This book seeks to uncover the hidden voices of the past to find their rightful home in the strong female voices of the present, rewriting history to regain a sense of the past.
A Shot in the Dark: A History of the U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group
Paul Jeffrey Cook, Temple University
Availability: In stock
358pp. ¦ $81 £65 €76
This book presents the U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG) as an example of successful change by the Army in wartime. It argues that creating the AWG required senior leaders to create a vision differing from the Army’s self-conceptualization, change bureaucratic processes to turn the vision into an actual unit, and then place the new unit in the hands of uniquely qualified leaders to build and sustain it. In doing this, it considers the forces influencing change within the Army and argues the two most significant are its self-conceptualization and institutional bureaucracy. The work explores three major subject areas that provide historical context. The first is the Army’s institutional history from the early 1950s through 2001. This period begins with the Army seeking to validate its place in America’s national security strategy and ends with the Army trying to chart a path into the post-Cold War future. The Army’s history is largely one of asymmetric warfare. The work thus examines several campaigns that offered lessons for subsequent wars. Some lessons the Army took to heart, others it ignored. As the AWG was a direct outgrowth of the failures and frustrations the Army experienced in Afghanistan and Iraq, the book examines these campaigns and identifies the specific problems that led senior Army leaders to create the AWG. Finally, the work chronicles the AWG’s creation in 2006, growth, and re-assignment from the Army staff to a fully-fledged organization subordinate to the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command in 2011 to its deactivation. This action resulted not from the unit’s failure to adapt to a post-insurgency Army focusing on modernization. Rather, it resulted from the Army failing to realize that while the AWG was a product of counterinsurgency, it provided the capability to support the Army during a period of great strategic and institutional uncertainty.
Thomas Jefferson and Maria Cosway: A Gordian Love Affair
Complete Correspondence with Critical Commentary
January 2024 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-815-0Availability: In stock
156pp. ¦ $56 £45 €53
This is the only book to offer the complete correspondence between Thomas Jefferson and Maria Cosway, a talented artist for whom Jefferson fell while in France. There is agreement in the secondary literature that Jefferson’s affection for Hemings was reciprocated. This book shows that that cannot be believed. Holowchak also shows that Cosway, through letters late in life, much longs for Jefferson’s company, suggestive of regret for not having earlier in life reciprocated Jefferson’s feelings—hence, the importance of a book with the complete correspondence. Holowchak also offers in the introduction a short psychobiography of Cosway that shows the significance of key early-life events—e.g., her childhood in a tavern, her removal to a convent, her introduction to art, and two singular dreams. Cosway would ever be tugged antipodally by the lure of earthy living as well as the asceticism of Catholic piety.
Art as experience of the living body / L’art comme experience du corps vivant
An East/West dialogue / Un dialogue Orient/Occident
Edited by
Christine Vial Kayser, Héritages UMR9022 (CNRS, CY, Ministère de la culture), France
Availability: In stock
794pp. ¦ $111 £92 €102
This book analyses the dynamic relationship between art and subjective consciousness, following a phenomenological, pragmatist and enactive approach. It brings out a new approach to the role of the body in art, not as a speculative object or symbolic material but as the living source of the imaginary. It contains theoretical contributions and case studies taken from various artistic practices (visual art, theatre, literature and music), Western and Eastern, the latter concerning China, India and Japan. These contributions allow us to nourish the debate on embodied cognition and aesthetics, using theory–philosophy, art history, neuroscience–and the authors’ personal experience as artists or spectators. According to the Husserlian method of “reduction” and pragmatist introspection, they postulate that listening to bodily sensations–cramps, heartbeats, impulsive movements, eye orientation–can unravel the thread of subconscious experience, both active and affective, that emerge in the encounter between a subject and an artwork, an encounter which, following John Dewey, we deem to be a case study for life in general. Ce livre analyse la relation dynamique entre l’art et la conscience subjective, selon une approche phénoménologique, pragmatiste et enactive. Il vise à faire émerger une nouvelle approche du rôle du corps dans l’art, non pas comme objet spéculatif ou matériau symbolique, mais comme source vivante de l’imaginaire. Les contributions théoriques et les études de cas sont prises à diverses pratiques artistiques (arts visuels, théâtre, littérature et musique), occidentales et orientales, ces dernières concernant la Chine, l’Inde et le Japon. Selon la méthode husserlienne de « réduction », en écho à l’introspection pragmatiste, les textes témoignent que l’écoute des sensations corporelles – crampes, battements de cœur, mouvements pulsionnels, orientation des yeux – mises en jeu par l’œuvre, permet de dénouer le fil de l’expérience inconsciente, à la fois kinesthésique et affective, qui émerge dans la rencontre entre un sujet et une œuvre d’art, une rencontre comprise, à la manière de Dewey, comme un cas d’école de la vie en général.
The Jesuits and Religious Intercultural Management in Early Modern Times
Human Capital, a Global Mindset, and Missionary Work in Japan and Peru during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Frank Jacob, Nord University, Norway
Availability: In stock
232pp. ¦ $77 £61 €71
This book discusses the role of human capital and a global mindset for a successful intercultural management of the Society of Jesus in the geographical contexts of Japan and Peru during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Historical data for more than 200 Jesuits has been evaluated and analyzed according to modern management theory. The work is, therefore, an interdisciplinary study related to the history of religious orders, European expansion, and trans- or intercultural management and shows how the Jesuit missionaries in Japan and Peru were able to achieve and stimulate a successful expansion of their order’s influence in these regions of the world. While analyzing a historical topic, the book is also of interest to modern day managers and those who are interested in creating a successful strategy for intercultural management.
A Crisis of Loyalties: The Destruction and Abandonment of the Gosport Navy Yard
January 2024 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-808-2Availability: In stock
318pp. ¦ $80 £64 €75
In the opening days of the American Civil War, the U.S. Navy suffered the catastrophic loss of its most valuable navy yard at Gosport, Virginia, commonly known as the Norfolk Navy Yard. Its fate was sealed by Virginia’s vote for secession and the subsequent resignation of most of the yard’s Southern officers, leaving its commandant, Charles Stewart McCauley, virtually defenseless. Early in the morning of Sunday, 21 April, fleeing federal forces set fire to and abandoned the Gosport Navy Yard, burning ten warships and surrendering 1,200 naval guns to Virginia’s militia. A year later, the Confederate ironclad "Virginia", built on the charred hulk of the steam frigate "Merrimack", chose the sloop "Cumberland"—the one ship to escape Gosport—as her first target during the Battle of Hampton Roads. "Virginia" then attacked the frigate "Congress", leaving in her wake nearly 280 dead or wounded Union sailors and two sunken ships. The birds from the disaster of Gosport had finally come home to roost. In his quest to uncover the details behind Gosport’s destruction, the author methodically cross-tracked chronologies, carefully examined primary sources and dug deeper into the principal officers’ backgrounds to grasp just what was in their minds during the hours leading up to the navy yard’s burning. This fresh focus has yielded a more nuanced explanation of McCauley’s decision to hold back "Merrimack", of Paulding’s rush to burn the yard and run, and of opportunities for success missed by all three commodores present. "A Crisis of Loyalties" is the first full-length work of history to present the entire story of the destruction and abandonment of the Gosport Navy Yard.
Practical and Theoretical Reason in Modern Philosophy
Edited by
Paniel Reyes Cárdenas, Oblate School of Theology; The University of Sheffield et al.
Availability: In stock
210pp. ¦ $103 £82 €96
The present collection aims to examine this fertile period in the history of philosophy concerning its significance for understanding the relation between theoretical and practical reason, or, relatedly, facts and values. Our contributors have explored different important ways in which both the shortcomings and insights of the theoretical/practical distinction have shaped Western philosophy.