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Language: English

The City on Screen: Modern Strangers of Cinematic Istanbul

Sertaç Timur Demir, Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, Turkey

October 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-787-0
Availability: In stock
214pp. ¦ $64 £51 €60

‘The City on Screen: Modern Strangers of Cinematic Istanbul’ attempts to analyze how Istanbul is captured through the projector; in other words, the ontological relationship between city and film and how it is elaborated within the context of Istanbul and the sense of strangerhood. This book shifts the axis of Istanbul, typically known as a touristic city, to its underlying details through the strangers in the modern city. Five different films set in this region are analyzed in the text that help to reveal and clarify the socio-urban life of modern Istanbul. The characters and stories in these films tell how Istanbul has socially and architecturally become a city of strangers. The films analyzed include ‘A Touch of Spice’ (2004), ‘Men on the Bridge’ (2009), ‘A Run for Money’ (1999), ‘Distant’ (2002), and ‘10 to 11’ (2009). The theoretical framework of this book is based on the works of Georg Simmel, Zygmunt Bauman and Richard Sennett. These three thinkers have all attempted to look for answers to the sociological question of strangerhood in urban living. This book accomplishes this connection by discussing the similarities and differences between each of their theories regarding the city, cinema and strangerhood.

Lost Kingdom: Animal Death in the Anthropocene

Edited by Wendy A. Wiseman, University of California Santa Barbara and Burak Kesgin, Beykent University

December 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-772-6
Availability: In stock
378pp. ¦ $115 £92 €107

The authors in ‘Lost Kingdom’ grapple with both the catastrophe of mass animal extinction, in which the panoply of earthly life is in the accelerating process of disappearing, and with the mass death of industrial animal agriculture. Both forms of anthropogenic violence against animals cast the Anthropocene as an era of criminality and loss driven by boundless human exceptionalism, forcing a reckoning with and an urgent reimagining of human-animal relations. Without the sleights of hand that would lump “humanity” into a singular Anthropos of the Anthropocene, the authors recognize the differential nature of human impacts on animal life and the biosphere as a whole, while affirming the complexity of animal worlds and their profound imbrications in human cultures, societies, and industries. Confronting the reality of the Sixth Mass Extinction and mass animal death requires forms of narrativity that draw on traditional genres and disciplines, while signaling a radical break with modern temporalities and norms. Chapters in this volume reflect this challenge, while embodying the interdisciplinary nature of inquiry into non-human animality at the edge of the abyss—historiography, cultural anthropology, post-colonial studies, literary criticism, critical animal studies, ethics, religious studies, Anthropocene studies, and extinction studies entwine to illuminate what is arguably the greatest crisis, for all creatures, in the past 65 million years.

Behavior Analysis in Higher Education: Applications to Teaching and Supervision

Edited by Andresa A. De Souza, University of Missouri-St. Louis and Darlene E. Crone-Todd, Salem State University

December 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-770-2
Availability: In stock
396pp. ¦ $110 £89 €103

This cutting edge, timely book is a primary resource for students, faculty, coordinators, and supervisors in the growing field of behavior analysis. This book acts as a single resource that pulls together the background, current status, and future directions related to the relevance of a behavior analytic approach to teaching, assessment, and supervision. The authors collaborating in this volume are experts at various stages of career development and have a known presence in the field. This combination of theory driven, and high-caliber authors have collaborated to create a one-of-a-kind book drawing from backgrounds of diversity in terms of gender, areas of expertise, and geography. The recent pandemic has resulted in a pivot to remote learning and online supervision; this text will provide an important contribution in terms of understanding how to provide high quality teaching, supervision, and assessment in behavior analysis and among other areas. As the field is moving to increasing standards for programs that correspond to accreditation body standards, this book also provides timely information about how to prepare for this process including cultural competency and ethics, which guide our teaching and practice.

Many Rivers to Cross: Black Migrations in Brazil and the Caribbean

Edited by Elaine P. Rocha, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados

November 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-767-2
Availability: In stock
213pp. ¦ $90 £72 €84

Since the first contact with Europeans, the Americas have been a continent of immigrants as much as a continent of continuous migrations. Black migrations represent more than the transit of people between countries and regions and from rural areas to urban centers. It contributed to constructing networks that made survival possible, creating neighborhoods and cultural expression, impacting dietary habits, exchanging crops and agricultural techniques, and uplifting families from slavery and misery to ownership, education, and political representation. The most dangerous elements that moved from place to place with blacks were the ideas of freedom and citizenship. This book brings together articles from authors dedicated to the study of black migrations in diverse countries as well as in diverse historical periods to highlight that the movement of black people has been continuous over the centuries. Sometimes voluntarily, others coerced, people have moved from one place to another, carrying with them history and important cultural traditions such as language, music, and religion. Moreover, dangerous ideas of liberty and equality would spread through the African Diaspora. Ten authors from renowned universities contributed with their works on black migrations from a transnational perspective, exploring how people have transited between regions, countries, and continents, carrying their ideas, costumes, beliefs, and strategies for survival. In their trajectories, migrants built communities, created religions, musical traditions, languages, and much more. They influenced politics, contributed to revolutions and wars, to the economy, and shaped societies. For centuries, Latin America's official history has pushed black immigrants' histories to the margins, keeping them in the shadows and denying their importance in the construction of the modern world. The works brought together in this book aim to contribute to breaking this pattern, bringing the experiences of black migrants from the margins to the center.

The theory of the kingdom: A unified model of human agency

Andrew Root

October 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-757-3
Availability: In stock
310pp. ¦ $79 £63 €74

This original monograph presents a comprehensive theory regarding the economy of the kingdom of God. The theory and associated model will help individuals make better choices. The research integrates fundamentals of the temporal real economy, and the permanent economy of the kingdom of God, to present a unified model of human agency. According to the model, effective agents are salt and light in the real economy, arresting corruption and revealing the truth. Effective agency produces life, peace, and growth. Individual and organizational practices that arrest corruption and reveal truth can resolve longstanding economic grievances. The list of spiritual credence goods is extensive and includes commonly known virtues such as humility, patience, and hope. Spiritual goods are allocated based on the owner-agent relationship. The quantity of goods the owner supplies is in proportion to an individual’s sacrificial offering of time and money. Spiritual goods are stored as heart capital. In a process analogous to the real economy, heart labor applied to heart capital produces desirable outputs. The owner relates to his agents through a heart-inscribed behavioral contract. The owner generally intervenes in the real economy by communicating with agents rather than by restricting choice. Prior studies across economics, finance, and sociology prove the efficiency of behavioral contracts and communication over restricted choice. Herein researchers will find new testable propositions, and practitioners will find new ideas and practices to live better, more consequential lives. Examples of practical applications include methods of resolving group-level bias and understanding the purpose of life’s difficulties.