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by Author

Modern Czech Literature: Writing in Times of Political Trauma

Edited by Andrew M. Drozd, University of Alabama

November 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0059-5
Availability: In stock
234pp. ¦ $104 £83 €97

Modern Czech culture has experienced a series of political traumas starting in the 1930s. Despite the difficult, shifting conditions, Czech writers have not only managed to contend with the situation, but have produced many fine literary efforts. This volume consists of seven articles by an international team of authors who are specialists in Czech literature. The first four chapters treat very well-known writers. There is one chapter on Karel Čapek and his play "The White Plague." There are three chapters on Milan Kundera, the internationally best-known Czech writer, with one of these chapters covering both Kundera and Bohumil Hrabal. The last three chapters deal with more recent and/or lesser-known writers. One chapter treats the Brothers Topol and the music underground, one chapter treats Czech literary responses to the period of the Normalization, and the final chapter treats Eda Kriseová. This volume presents new perspectives on Czech literature and will be of interest to specialists in Czech literature and history, Central European literature and history, Nazism and Communism. For example, although much has been written about Kundera, the three articles provide further treatments of three different aspects of his work: his ties to Russian literature, his misogyny, and the philosophical content of his novels. Specialists interested in the period of the Normalization (and after) will find the last three chapters particularly useful. The chapters are suitable for classroom use in courses in both Czech literature and Czech (or Central European) history. All material from Czech-language sources presented in the chapters is given in English translation.

Scientific Thought and Research Methodology

Concepts, Principles, Philosophy of Science, and Ontological Dimension

Aydin Beraha, Cankiri Karatekin University, Turkey

December 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0046-5
Availability: In stock
222pp. [Color] ¦ $75 £60 €71

This book presents an easy introduction for undergraduate students, graduate students, research assistants, and researchers new to the profession. It is very important to come to a state of scientific mind who are interested in both social and natural sciences. This book provides fertile content, including ontological, cognitive, technic, logical, philosophical, and ethical dimensions of making science. It presents the roles of science, such as classification along with actual examples in both social and natural sciences to readers for a better understanding. It also contains special content to warn readers about pseudoscience and the art of deception and to guide them on how to detect and recognize fake science. The glossary section of this book contains unusual terms related to scientific reasoning. The author’s words to readers –I wish a pleasant reading to the science-loving passengers of this 'pale blue dot.-'

Asian Perspectives on Education: Inclusivity and Diversity

Edited by Jie Zhang, State University of New York (SUNY) Brockport, USA and Natalie Sarrazin, State University of New York (SUNY) Brockport,USA

December 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0045-8
Availability: In stock
256pp. ¦ $104 £84 €98

The idea of “Asia” is contested in the literature as a concept in terms of unification in any sense e.g., regionally, economically, and politically (see Duara [1995] 2019; Acharya, 2010), which makes a book of this nature challenging. The use of inclusion and diversity as a lens of discovery is not only synchronically topical but provides an important outlet for unheard voices and marginalized perspectives otherwise silenced or ignored in education and Asian literature. The lens by which the book is written combines multiple streams of diversity and inclusion with that of K-12 and higher education in an Asian context, and it allows room for individual Asian voices and perspectives both in and outside the classroom. Inspired by a panel presented at the 2021 New York Conference on Asian Studies (NYCAS) on the very topic of inclusivity and diversity in Asian education, the book broadened the original focus from the COVID-centered to one that allowed the exploration of a wider geographic area and cultural area as well as new subjects. Moreover, our text includes a focus on individuals with disabilities, multicultural education, and cross-disciplinary efforts across cultures. This book covers broader topics regarding inclusivity and diversity in education from multiple Asian perspectives and ranges from various educational levels (that is, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary institutions), different school settings (that is, public and private schools), and a variety of Asian countries and areas (that is, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, and Taiwan). This book gives a well-rounded representation of the issues through theoretical focus, practical applications, and research studies, contributed by authors from various international institutions and countries or countries of origin, including Bangladesh, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, and the United States.

Style, Meaning and Pedagogy

Rachid Acim, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco

October 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0040-3
Availability: In stock
186pp. ¦ $45 £36 €42

'Style, Meaning and Pedagogy' can be useful to students and researchers of different backgrounds; it can assist them to deeply fathom literary and non-literary texts and scaffold their critical thinking when approaching human language like poems, headlines, blurbs or paintings. Admittedly, the print and visual texts chosen in the book were produced in the 14th, 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Whereas some of them are up-to-date and timely as they tap upon the emotions of the last pandemic (i.e., “And the People Stayed Home”), others: - Provide a profound view of peace and fellowship (i.e., “Abou Ben Adhem”); - Introduce a description of the system of etiquette followed in 1918 (i.e., “Manners”); - Unravel the dichotomy of face and beauty (i.e., “Memory”); - Examine the dialectical relationship between rhetoric and metaphors (i.e., “How Do I Love Thee?”); - Stress the power of art and pedagogy in the medieval age (i.e., “Laurentius de Voltolina’s Painting”); - Revisit dialogism and intertextuality in Afro-American Literature (i.e., “Dreams”); - Stimulate students’ critical reflections (i.e., “Poem in Your Pocket”); - Showcase the informative and persuasive dimension of media discourse (i.e., “The NYT”); - Bring to the fore reader-response theory and positive self-talk (i.e., “Thinking”). The book is a gem for students pursuing their English Studies in Higher Education. It is a rich resource for novice researchers and university professors teaching courses such as Literary Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Literary Criticism, Poetry, Rhetoric, to mention but a handful. With an exhaustive list of readings and references, insightful methodology and signposts for critical reflections, 'Style, Meaning and Pedagogy' proffers you a chance to question the textual and semiotic selections people dwell on to produce their own texts. And with the short tasks and exercises at the end of each chapter, you will be able to savour and simultaneously retain much of the invaluable input prepared just for you.

"Para poder componer…": Una biografía sonora sobre Alejandro García Villalón 'Virulo' (1955-2008)

Pablo Alejandro Suárez Marrero, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (México)

September 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0039-7
Availability: In stock
152pp. ¦ $57 £45 €53

La pluralidad discursiva manifiesta en la actual música popular se encuentra enmarcada en una realidad estético-musical cambiante, causada por una postmodernidad social cada vez más abierta a la globalización de las expresiones culturales de los pueblos. Es dentro de esta dinámica social que emerge la figura creativa de Alejandro García Villalón Virulo y sus grabaciones sonoras (1973-2021). En estas, el cantautor empleó disímiles recursos musicales, literarios, escénicos y visuales para ejercer la crítica sobre sus contextos germinales, como vía desacralizadora de culturas hegemónicas y paradigmas sociales construidos a lo largo del devenir histórico de los pueblos de la región. La casi nula existencia de estudios académicos sobre este artista y sus documentos sonoros constituye una oportunidad para construir su biografía sonora como contexto de performance (1955-2008), donde se imbricaron elementos históricos, políticos, sociales y culturales condicionados por marcos temporales y espacios geográficos. Para ello, se concatenaron herramientas teóricas, conceptuales y metodológicas provenientes de los estudios de performance, la historiografía crítica y la musicología popular. La presente investigación conduce a repensar las relaciones entre música y humor en culturas musicales de América Latina y el Caribe, la concepción de la biografía sonora de un cantautor como aproximación a su contexto germinal, así como el abordaje de los documentos de música grabada o programada como fuentes primarias de información para estudios sociales de prácticas sonoro-musicales situadas.

Shakespeare and Religion: Global Tapestry, Dramatic Perspectives

Edited by Margie Burns, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

October 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0037-3
Availability: In stock
252pp. ¦ $108 £86 €101

Twelve research articles deal with aspects of religion in the plays of William Shakespeare, from early in the dramatist’s career to the end. Ordered by chronology, two chapters focus on history plays; three chapters focus on comedies and three on tragedies; one deals with "Troilus and Cressida," and three chapters deal with the late romances. The anthology does not cover all of Shakespeare’s plays and collaborations or the lyric poems. The collection is ecumenical and transnational. While the contributors all recognize that Shakespeare wrote in a Renaissance Christian universe, Christianity is not the only world religion dealt with. Approaches involve history and philosophy as well as theology, and individual perspectives vary. One thing the collection makes clear is that religion, in some sense, operates in every Shakespearean work, and its large spectrum ranges through plot and character from shallow to deep, self-interested to elevated, bloody to harmonious. Religion and religious differences were also part of the fabric and history of the playwright’s world, manifesting in the plays in situation, language, and iconography. From various perspectives, a common denominator is that the authors approach aspects of religion as one element in an informed analysis of the works.

Reproductive uncertainty: Understanding the regulations on assisted reproductive technologies in China

Tiantian Chen, University of Cambridge

September 2024 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-126-7
Availability: In stock
166pp. ¦ $63 £48 €58

This book provides the first sustained account of intense debates in China over the ban on single women’s access to assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs). Drawing on the author’s fieldwork in clinics and government agencies in Beijing, it mainly explains Chinese policymakers’ and clinicians’ rationale for restricting single women’s use of ARTs even if they celebrate ARTs as a success of Chinese modernization strategies. The main concept explored in this book is uncertainty. ARTs become a source of discomfort for the Chinese government and clinics because they reveal the uncontrollability of human destiny; they introduce ambiguities into genetic and legal paternity; and they undermine clinical and bureaucratic authority. This book uses ARTs as a lens on broader social changes in China. The uncertainty of ARTs reflects the limits of Chairman Deng Xiaoping’s reform. It also informs that the Chinese government has reversed policies by repackaging tradition and tightening party control. The book’s interpretation of uncertainty challenges the linear and progressive paradigm of modernization. China’s development path is distinct from the sequential logic of Western, modernist conceptions of history.

The Old and the New: Churching a Secular Age from Solovyóv to Bulgakov

Michael Lee Miller, University of Cambridge

ISBN: 978-1-62273-855-7
Availability: Pre-order
$105 £81 €96

In the midst of exile from his native Russia in the mid-1930s, Fr Sergii Bulgakov identified his basic aspiration as an Orthodox theologian to be a ‘positive overcoming of Modernity’ - in fact, a continuation of the efforts of his great 19th-century inspiration, Vladimir Solovyóv, to reconstruct Christian thought and culture in the face of the unprecedented challenges posed by the Enlightenment and the era of revolutionary upheaval. But Bulgakov’s theological vision also involves a distinctive revision of Solovyóv’s programme, whose ‘residual Hegelianism’ continually threatens to level out speculative reason and mystagogical faith, progress in history and ‘the Kingdom not of this World’. Bulgakov refuses any such levelling: instead, he consummates the ‘apocalyptic turn’ Solovyóv had already commenced in the years immediately preceding his premature death in 1900. The resulting preference for the paradox of ‘antinomy’ over the closure of ‘dialectic’ comes to light in relation to four themes running through Bulgakov’s thinking in the decades falling between his rejection of Marxism and the commencement of his mature systematic-theological work in the 1930s: history, work, knowledge, and power.

Global Perspectives on Online Education During a Time of Emergency: Conditions, Contexts and Critiques

Edited by Patricia Marybelle Davies, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia

November 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0058-8
Availability: In stock
256pp. ¦ $101 £81 €94

‘Global Perspectives on Online Education During a Time of Emergency’ presents viewpoints on the unprecedented shift to online education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It aims to broaden and deepen readers’ understanding of studies that could better address academic issues related to teaching and learning online. The pandemic triggered the disruption of national educational systems and a rapid transition to online education, but there were few guidelines on how to proceed. Consequently, the role of educational technologies and distinctions between formal and informal learning became blurred (Greenhow & Lewin, 2016). This volume examines how educators adopted new pedagogical practices, adapted to flexible working environments, and tackled new technologies to maintain educational systems following the global outbreak of the coronavirus. It showcases innovative practices and critiques several learning theories of online education. The chapters are developed using two main approaches: empirical investigations and reviews of existing research. The empirical chapters present significant new findings of broad relevance. The review chapters use established studies to describe recent developments of broad significance and highlight unresolved questions and future directions. The volume, as a whole, provides research-based insights on evidence on the contexts and conditions of the emergency transition to online education worldwide and useful recommendations on emergent directions in online education. This is a vital text for educational researchers, technologists, and practitioners. It includes empirical data, theoretical questions, and methodological approaches addressing online education. The volume explores flexible learning, alternative pedagogical practices, and changes in digital environments, examining futuristic approaches at a crucial moment of global reform in online education.

Jesuits in Science Fiction: Reason and Revelation on Other Worlds

Edited by Richard Feist, Saint Paul University

September 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0006-9
Availability: In stock
318pp. ¦ $111 £88 €103

From their founding in 1540 to this day, Jesuits have been controversial. Their centuries of missionary work have taken them to all corners of the world. They have been accused of killing Kings and Presidents and contributing to colonization and destruction of cultures—even participating in enslavement. But the Jesuits have also been seen as bringers of light and education. With their ferocity of purpose and intellectual rigor, the Jesuits’ impact on world history cannot be ignored. No surprise then, that Jesuits appear in literature, especially that literature of ideas, exploration, and social commentary, otherwise known as science fiction. This unique collection of essays explores how the Jesuit has long been part of science fiction’s history and how Jesuit ideas and characters are featured in some of science fiction’s greatest works. In this collection, we see Jesuits continue their missionary spirit as they take leave of the earth, moving their missionary labors literally towards the heavens. Reason and revelation are now indeed on other worlds. In this collection, we have explorations of philosophy, science, theology, and culture, all done in typical Jesuit fashion, always in various and foreign contexts. This collection is akin to others in its linking of religion and science fiction, but it is unique in its concentration on the Jesuits and science fiction. This collection will be of interest to scholars working and researching in the field of science fiction studies and would be suitable for courses on science fiction. But it will also be of interest and accessible to those of us who simply love science fiction for its power to explore other worlds and, in this case, to take some of the deepest human reflections, namely those on God, morals and culture, lift them up, and see what forms they may take on other worlds.

Los jesuitas y la gestión religiosa intercultural a principios de la Edad Moderna

Capital humano, mentalidad global y obra misionera en Japón y Perú durante los siglos XVI y XVII

Frank Jacob, Nord University, Norway

July 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0047-2
Availability: In stock
234pp. ¦ $77 £61 €71

Este libro analiza el papel del capital humano y la mentalidad global de la exitosa gestión intercultural de la Compañía de Jesús en los contextos geográficos de Japón y Perú durante los siglos XVI y XVII. Evalúa y analiza datos históricos de más de 200 jesuitas según la teoría de gestión moderna. El trabajo es, por tanto, un estudio interdisciplinario relacionado con la historia de las órdenes religiosas, la expansión europea, la gestión transcultural o intercultural, y muestra cómo los misioneros jesuitas en Japón y Perú lograron y estimularon una expansión exitosa de la influencia de su orden en estas regiones del mundo. Si bien analiza un tema histórico, el libro también será de interés para los gerentes de hoy en día, y para todos aquellos interesados en crear una exitosa estrategia para la gestión intercultural.

Philosophy’s Gambit: Play and Being Played

Edited by Jeremy Sampson, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

September 2024 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-506-7
Availability: In stock
280pp. ¦ $117 £90 €107

Living in an era of immense and bewildering change in technology, pandemic and war, humanity has had cause to challenge the apparent old fixities and certainties of life. Essentially, are we being played? The premise of this volume is that all of human life is underpinned by powerful dynamic systems, so tightly interwoven into our daily lives that we are barely aware of them, whose true nature only comes to light at times of profound disruption or crisis. These powerful dynamic systems, philosophical or otherwise, often fall under the umbrella of ludic theory. Within these pages, some of the leading thinkers of ludic theory from three continents explore its diversity and relevance through the perspectives of some of the world’s most famous philosophers. In many ways, this volume follows on from Sampson’s 'Being Played: Gadamer and Philosophy’s Hidden Dynamic' (2019). It also draws upon other ludic-centred and ludic-inspired texts that include Mattice’s 'Metaphor and Metaphilosophy' (2014) and Arthos’ 'Gadamer’s Poetics: A Critique of Modern Aesthetics' (2014), together with Frazier’s 'Reality, Religion and Passion' (2009) and Homan’s 'A Hermeneutics of Poetic Education' (2020). Although this is not the first volume offering an integrated approach to ludic theory, see Ryall (ed), 'The Philosophy of Play' (2013), it offers a diverse and detailed approach to the subject, including not only Western philosophers, but also thinkers from Ancient China, 16th-century India and modern South America. This volume will be not only of interest to scholars and students of ludic theory and philosophy in general, but because of its deliberate globalised content, it is hoped it might have a wider appeal globally as humanity continues to grapple with significant challenges created by these current winds of change.

Central Banking and Monetary Policy in the G20: Paradigms and Challenges

Edited by Irfan Kalayci, İnönü University, Malatya, Turkey

September 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0082-3
Availability: In stock
498pp. ¦ $135 £104 €124

Behind productive and prosperous economies are independent central banks that implement effective monetary policies. This observation is especially valid for the G20, which comprises the world’s top twenty economies in terms of gross domestic product and the largest stakeholders of the global economic system. These economies include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union. Three features of this book, which focuses on central banking and monetary policy in the G20, an intergovernmental platform, stand out: Firstly, as contemporary theories and global practices confirm, the main purpose of central banks is to ensure monetary and price stability, not despite the government but in cooperation with it. This principle is strongly emphasized here. Governments, which must maintain fiscal discipline, are key to the success of central banks in combating inflation and deflation. Secondly, since the authors of the book chapters come from various countries and academic institutions, the book offers a range of perspectives and intellectual richness. Without deviating from the book's main axis, the authors examine the changing paradigms in central banking and the increasing challenges of monetary policy. This examination is based on developed and emerging economies, integrations, financial organizations, and economic crises within the G20, informed by significant sources. Thirdly, this book offers university researchers, professional business practitioners, and curious readers the opportunity to explore and reflect on new concepts such as green central banking, digital money, and interest-free monetary policies, which have gained prominence in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, alongside mainstream topics. It is hoped that this book, consisting of 14 chapters, will inspire those who wish to conduct new and renewed academic studies on global central banks and monetary policies and will fill a gap in the literature.

Untangling Whiteness: Education, Resistance and Transformation

Jennifer Gale de Saxe, Victoria University of Wellington

September 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0043-4
Availability: In stock
188pp. ¦ $57 £45 €53

With the prominence of workshops, trainings, and anti-racist books popping up over the past few years, it may seem confusing as to what it really means to engage in deliberate and meaningful learning that challenges the many facets of racism and whiteness. 'Untangling Whiteness' directly interrogates the assumption that the teaching and learning about race and whiteness, particularly within the university context, can be condensed to one course, one workshop, or even a few trainings. It is a life-long process that may begin in one university classroom, but must continue as part of who we are as unfinished and undetermined beings. Through a deep and multi-faceted interrogation of racism and white supremacy, this book untangles critical theories of race, whiteness and resistance in an accessible and dialogical manner. It also situates whiteness in Aotearoa, New Zealand, demonstrating the importance of context and location when working to undermine and challenge it. As a theoretical provocation of existing scholarship on race and white supremacy, 'Untangling Whiteness' is underpinned by educating for critical consciousness, as well as a phenomenological engagement that aims to both interpret the world differently and transform it.

Power and Politics in Africa: A Boundary Generator

Takuo Iwata, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan

August 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0038-0
Availability: In stock
182pp. ¦ $56 £45 €52

Africa’s potential and challenges in the 21st century make it a focal point for global attention. The continent’s political landscape is now more diverse, with a mix of democracy, authoritarianism, peace, and conflict. Understanding the dynamics of African politics is crucial. This comprehensive book delves into African Politics and International Relations, exploring power through the lenses of politics, geography, sociology, and anthropology. It is based on the author’s three decades of fieldwork and research across Africa, Asia, and the West. Ideal for academic scholars, students, diplomats, government officials, journalists, and NGO staff seeking to deepen their understanding of African politics and international relations.

Facebook Friendship Groups as a Space for Peace: A Case Study of Relations between Libyan and American Citizens

Lisa Gibson, Washington and Jefferson College

August 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0026-7
Availability: In stock
200pp. ¦ $77 £61 €72

"Facebook Friendship Groups as a Space for Peace" provides new ways of thinking about the concept of friendship in international relations by drawing upon Aristotle’s ancient insights on sociability and reconceptualizing them for modern international relations. This book explores how citizens can be engaged in public diplomacy through everyday interactions in Facebook friendship groups which allows them to promote understanding and reframe identity narratives. This book provides rich-in-demand empirical insights from citizens in the global south about the ways that social media friendship groups can be used to facilitate positive relations between citizens from countries that have a history of conflict. It also provides important insights for state leaders on the kinds of citizen initiatives that are seen as most useful in promoting positive images among foreign peoples. However, it challenges much of the notion that citizen initiatives will improve foreign public views of a state’s foreign policy, especially when those foreign policy priorities negatively affect citizens directly, like former President Donald Trump’s travel ban. Negative foreign policy initiatives cause distrust and once that is broken, it is difficult to rebuild absent changing the foreign policy. This book shows that conflict is deeply contextual, and as such public diplomacy initiatives must also be designed in such a way to address the unique challenges that exist between countries. Social media friendship groups can be a place to start to promote understanding, dispel stereotypes and reframe enemy narratives, which are essential to long-term positive relations.

Mentoring in STEM Through a Female Identity Lens: Heroes Make a Difference for Women

Edited by Cecilia (Ceal) D. Craig, Druai Education Research, CA

July 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0017-5
Availability: In stock
288pp. ¦ $105 £84 €98

With the stagnant low percentages of women in STEM careers, identifying practices to satisfy the growing need for professionals in those fields is critical to improve recruitment and retention. Supportive relationships, like mentors and sponsors, have been shown to both inspire women to pursue those careers and to help them succeed in them. This book explores how developing supportive connections helps students, faculty, and teachers see STEM professions as being a place for women to grow and succeed. Early chapters provide essential mentor characteristics and explore engineering education gender inequity from a teacher's perspective of stereotypes, stereotype threat, and bias, offering culturally relevant teacher mentoring approaches to promote equitable pre-college engineering education. Middle chapters describe K-12 mentoring programs: mentorship initiatives empowering young South African Women and girls to advance to mathematical-related careers; programs, methods and activities to achieve the desired goal of making young students aspire to become scientists; and engagement year-round in grades 9-12 combined with 40 years of iterative evaluation created a finely-honed enrichment program for low-income Black women in urban public high schools. A longitudinal undergraduate mentoring program for mentoring early college students in Louisiana provides further insights in that section. The final four-chapter section describes mentoring programs for professors and teachers: reciprocal mentor relationships and role shifting within an informal peer mentoring group; differences between mentoring relationships and sponsoring relationships within academia; the impact of culturally responsive mentorship (CRM) on the development and expression of a pre-service teacher’s woman of science identity; and a program that aims to recruit and retain STEM pre-service teachers and STEM teachers of color. With several longitudinal mentoring programs, several programs for women of color, this book fills a gap to help grow the numbers of women in STEM.

Magical Feminism in the Americas: Resisting Female Marginalisation and Oppression through Magic

Abu Shahid Abdullah, East West University

September 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0025-0
Availability: In stock
194pp. ¦ $63 £50 €59

The book aims to show the way magical feminism resists female marginalisation and oppression in the Americas. Dealing with multiple victimisation of women in the Americas who have suffered not only because of their gender but also their race, ethnicity, political ideology, social status, financial insecurity and such, magical feminism provides a voice to them so that they can speak about their marginalisation and victimisation. In other words, by using magical feminism, these female authors attempt to give a voice to the oppressed women, enabling them to resist and challenge the traditional female role and to raise their voices against various social and political issues. The subversive and transgressive power of magical feminism enables the oppressed women to break patriarchal constraints and to reverse the traditional power structure. By creating an imaginary realm through traditions, local beliefs and rituals, myth, magic and the spirits of the dead ancestors as guides, magical feminist technique functions as a survival strategy for women in traumatic and oppressive situations and provides them consolation. The project includes a total of eight novels from African American (Gloria Naylor’s 'Mama Day'), Latin American (Isabel Allende’s 'The House of the Spirits'), Native American (Louise Erdrich’s 'Tracks'), Chicana (Ana Castillo’s 'So Far from God'), North American (Gail Anderson-Dargatz’s 'The Cure for Death by Lightning'), Central American (Gioconda Belli’s 'The Inhabited Woman'), Hawaiian American (Kiana Davenport’s 'Shark Dialogues') and Cuban American (Cristina García’s 'Dreaming in Cuban') background.

Dalits and Dalit Lives in 21st Century India: Towards a New Politics

Edited by Tamanna Priya, Banaras Hindu University, India and Amrit Mishra

August 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0036-6
Availability: In stock
186pp. ¦ $71 £57 €67

This comprehensive body of work illuminates the new ways to remember caste and comprehend the enduring anguish it has imposed upon individuals across generations, thereby paving the way for a more informed understanding of its profound impact on Dalit lives throughout the annals of time. This work not only adds depth to the existing discourse but also serves as a catalyst for broader understanding and appreciation of the complexities inherent in Dalit experiences and their representation or (mis)representation. In doing so, the volume challenges the traditional social order's ability to address caste-based discrimination effectively and also makes an attempt to find alternative ways to understand the conundrum of caste. It delves into the necessity of alternative discourse, particularly the significance of Dalit discourse, and hence the imperative need for diverse and inclusive discourses. The volume represents the individual voices of the editors and contributors, who are eminent academics, and provides a more holistic approach to the examination of the socio-economic, cultural and political landscape of the Dalit community in contemporary India. Their contribution enriches the current body of literature on Dalit Studies, with a specific focus on the evolving dynamics within politics, academia, popular culture, digital culture, political economy, ideological perspectives, and representation or (mis)representation, among others. The chapters also demonstrate the profound impact of various modern influences on the lives of the younger generation of Dalits. In doing so, it sheds light on how access to information technology, the pervasive use of social media- digital media, the influential role of music and cinema in cultural resistance, and the discourse of protest politics collectively shape the experiences and perspectives of the young Dalit community. This literary work presents an invaluable opportunity for scholars, researchers, and students, and a methodological aid for classroom adoption for discerning readers to immerse themselves in an exploration of a significant community in India and its multifaceted presence within contemporary literature and culture.

Resilience and the Wandering Subject

Edited by Supriya Daniel, IIT Bombay, India and Anu Kuriakose, NIT, Trichy, India

July 2024 / ISBN: 979-8-8819-0035-9
Availability: In stock
144pp. ¦ $69 £55 €64

What are the different contours of defining a subject? How does a subject form in the act of resilience? This multi-author book explores the concept of a wandering subject, especially in the context of resilience. The wandering subject can be understood as an ever-forming subject through different mobilities. This movement is not just the physical movement compelled by a certain agency but also the various mobilities of the selves of the subject, mobilities through spaces, the interconnections formed with other subjects, and the fluidity between the subject/object/spaces at most times compelled by the spirit of resilience. Each chapter of the book delves into the myriad modalities of movement in spaces that are imagined or real. The space is always one of contestation, be it emerging from gender conflict, or that of a nation or a trauma inflicted by war. In this mode of displacement, either physical, emotional or spiritual (and at times, a seepage of all), the subject evolves and defines itself beyond the boundaries of binaries. It questions available definitions of self, subjecthood and identity and prompts one to imagine ways of comprehending and elucidating the concept of subject. In this sense, the book not only illuminates multiple perspectives on the subject but also compels the reader to formulate their own mode of grappling with this complex idea of the subject. It renders itself as an aid to current and future scholars to re-imagine and re-configure the subject.