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Series: Series in Literary Studies

Weaving Words into Worlds

Edited by Caroline Durand-Rous, CRESEM, University of Perpignan, France and Margot Lauwers, CRESEM, University of Perpignan, France

August 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-649-1
Availability: In stock
312pp. ¦ $94 £79 €87

'Weaving Words into Worlds' comes as the third spinoff of the international ecopoetics conference organized in Perpignan in 2016. Reflecting upon how the many stories we tell directly influence the world we live in, each of the contributions in this international volume directs our attention to the constant, ecopoetic weaving of word to the world at work via the many entanglements between mind, matter, and meaning, whether on a local or a global scale. It encapsulates how the words, stories, and concepts we humans articulate as we try to make sense of the world we inhabit give part of its shape to the web of ecological relations that we depend on for survival. It seeks to cast light on the disenchanting and reenchanting powers of stories and poiesis in general—as stories retain the power to make us either become oblivious to and destroy or to feel and honor the many, complex ties between the multitudinous nature cultures intertwined within the fabric of a multispecies world always in the making. This book offers a total of fourteen articles written by international scholars in ecocriticism and ecopoetics who, by their analyses of literature and/or films and the political subtext they thus render visible, aim at showing how the study of environmentally minded media may renew our attention to the entangled agencies of the human and the more-than-human realm. Thus, this work offers to counter a reproach ecocriticism has often been met with, namely the over-presence of US scholars and the lack of diversity in subjects in the field, since the articles presented provide a wide variety of approaches and topics with examples of UK and Native American literature, Polynesian myth, graphic novels, or haiku. In doing so, the book expands on the fields of ecocriticism and ecopoetics, adding to this branch of study and enriching it with high-quality academic studies.

Heroic Disobedience: The Forced Marriage Plot and the British Novel, 1747-1880

Leah Grisham

August 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-734-4
Availability: In stock
218pp. ¦ $74 £60 €67

'Heroic Disobedience: The Forced Marriage Plot and the British Novel, 1747-1880' shows the ways in which eighteenth- and nineteenth-century novels used what the author terms the forced marriage plot - a plot arc in which a greedy father tries to force his daughter into a marriage she does not want but that would be financially expedient to himself - to explore capitalism’s detrimental impacts on women’s right to autonomy. As capitalist economic practices replaced mercantilism, a woman’s value was seen primarily in the economic sense. That is, men came to recognize that women – especially young, marriageable women – could be used as objects of exchange between men. Recognizing this phenomenon, the novelists considered in 'Heroic Disobedience' – Samuel Richardson, Charlotte Lennox, Mary Robinson, Charlotte Smith, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Stone, and Anthony Trollope – depict the very specific ways in which women were raised to become willing pawns in this system. Religious discourse, conduct guides, marriage and property laws, wages, lack of meaningful education, and inheritance practices combined to leave women with no other options besides dependence on their patriarchs. Importantly, authors who use the forced marriage plot go beyond exposing women’s subjugation by creating – and celebrating – heroically disobedient heroines who believe, above all else, that they have the right to determine their own futures: futures in which they are autonomous agents, not subjected objects.

Revisiting Diaspora Spaces in India: A Contemporary Overview

Edited by Joydev Maity, Raiganj University, India

June 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-688-0
Availability: In stock
212pp. ¦ $76 £64 €71

This edited volume is a detailed and critical study of Indian diaspora writings and its diverse themes. It focuses on dynamics and contemporary perspectives of Indian diaspora writings and analyzes emerging themes of this field like the experience of the Bihari diaspora, migration to Gulf countries, the relation between diasporic experience and self-translation, uprootedness and resistance discourse through ecocritical praxis and many more. With the aid of a subtle theoretical framework, the volume closely examines some of the key texts such as 'Goat Days, Baumgartner’s Bombay, An Atlas of Impossible Longing, The Circle of Reason', and authors including Shauna Singh Baldwin, M.G. Vassanji, Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, V.S. Naipaul and others. The book also explores diaspora literature written in regional language and later translated into English and how they align with the fundamental Indian diaspora writings. A significant contribution to Indian diaspora writings; this volume will be of great importance to scholars and researchers of diaspora literature, migration and border studies, cultural, memory, and translation studies.

Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919): Her Personal Letters, Short Stories, and Journalism

Ana Isabel Simón Alegre, Adelphi University

July 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-676-7
Availability: In stock
303pp. ¦ $81 £65 €74

This book explores how Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer’s evolution as a writer was closely linked to the development of her political-literary project, in which a feminist activist agenda plays an important role. This critical edition contributes to existing research on Gimeno de Flaquer by examining a collection of texts that have not been studied in-depth. This monograph-length publication is the first one to feature a translation of significant portions of Gimeno de Flaquer’s work. 'Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919): Her Personal Letters, Short Stories, and Journalism' includes ten letters that Concepción Gimeno wrote to the Spanish actor and theatre entrepreneur Manuel Catalina y Rodríguez (1820-1886), seven short stories, and a selection of her seventeen most representative newspaper articles.

Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919): Cartas, cuentos cortos y artículos periodísticos

Ana Isabel Simón Alegre, Adelphi University

July 2023 / ISBN: 978-1-64889-675-0
Availability: In stock
305pp. ¦ $81 £65 €74

Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (Alcañiz, 1850-Buenos Aires, 1919) fue una periodista y editora española que dedicó su vida al mundo de las letras. Fue, además de escritora, una apasionada viajera en una época en la que cruzar el Atlántico no era una tarea fácil. En sus viajes transanlánticos puso en marcha y participó en numerosas tertulias y se dedicó a dirigir periódicos, escribir novelas, cuentos cortos, cartas, ensayos, críticas de teatro, artículos de opinión y columnas de sociedad en diferentes periódicos. En este libro se explora cómo en la trayectoria vital y profesional de Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer quedó entrelazado su proyecto político literario en el que el activismo feminista jugaría un importante papel. Esta edición anotada contribuye a las investigaciones previas sobre Gimeno de Flaquer analizando una colección de textos que no se han estudiado aún en detalle. ‘Concepción Gimeno De Flaquer (1850-1919): Cartas, cuentos cortos y artículos periodísticos’ incluye diez cartas que Concepción Gimeno escribió al actor y empresario teatral Manuel Catalina y Rodriguez (1820-1886), siete cuentos y una selección de diecisiete de sus artículos periodísticos más representativos.